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Go Programming Cookbook - Second Edition

By : Aaron Torres
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Go Programming Cookbook - Second Edition

By: Aaron Torres

Overview of this book

Go (or Golang) is a statically typed programming language developed at Google. Known for its vast standard library, it also provides features such as garbage collection, type safety, dynamic-typing capabilities, and additional built-in types. This book will serve as a reference while implementing Go features to build your own applications. This Go cookbook helps you put into practice the advanced concepts and libraries that Golang offers. The recipes in the book follow best practices such as documentation, testing, and vendoring with Go modules, as well as performing clean abstractions using interfaces. You'll learn how code works and the common pitfalls to watch out for. The book covers basic type and error handling, and then moves on to explore applications, such as websites, command-line tools, and filesystems, that interact with users. You'll even get to grips with parallelism, distributed systems, and performance tuning. By the end of the book, you'll be able to use open source code and concepts in Go programming to build enterprise-class applications without any hassle.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)

Using the common I/O interfaces

The Go language provides a number of I/O interfaces that are used throughout the standard library. It is best practice to make use of these interfaces wherever possible rather than passing structures or other types directly. Two powerful interfaces we will explore in this recipe are the io.Reader and io.Writer interfaces. These interfaces are used throughout the standard library, and understanding how to use them will make you a better Go developer.

The Reader and Writer interfaces look like this:

type Reader interface {
Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)

type Writer interface {
Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

Go also makes it easy to combine interfaces. For example, take a look at the following code:

type Seeker interface {
Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error)

type ReadSeeker interface {

This recipe will also explore an io function called Pipe(), as shown in the following code:

func Pipe() (*PipeReader, *PipeWriter)

The remainder of this book will make use of these interfaces.

How to do it...

The following steps cover how to write and run your application:

  1. From your Terminal or console application, create a new directory called ~/projects/go-programming-cookbook/chapter1/interfaces.
  2. Navigate to this directory.
  3. Run the following command:
          $ go mod init

You should see a file called go.mod that contains the following:

  1. Copy tests from ~/projects/go-programming-cookbook-original/chapter1/interfaces or use this as an exercise to write some of your own code!
  1. Create a file called interfaces.go with the following contents:
        package interfaces

import (

// Copy copies data from in to out first directly,
// then using a buffer. It also writes to stdout
func Copy(in io.ReadSeeker, out io.Writer) error {
// we write to out, but also Stdout
w := io.MultiWriter(out, os.Stdout)

// a standard copy, this can be dangerous if there's a
// lot of data in in
if _, err := io.Copy(w, in); err != nil {
return err

in.Seek(0, 0)

// buffered write using 64 byte chunks
buf := make([]byte, 64)
if _, err := io.CopyBuffer(w, in, buf); err != nil {
return err

// lets print a new line

return nil
  1. Create a file called pipes.go with the following contents:
        package interfaces

import (

// PipeExample helps give some more examples of using io
func PipeExample() error {
// the pipe reader and pipe writer implement
// io.Reader and io.Writer
r, w := io.Pipe()

// this needs to be run in a separate go routine
// as it will block waiting for the reader
// close at the end for cleanup
go func() {
// for now we'll write something basic,
// this could also be used to encode json
// base64 encode, etc.

if _, err := io.Copy(os.Stdout, r); err != nil {
return err
return nil
  1. Create a new directory named example and navigate to it.
  2. Create a main.gofile with the following contents:
        package main

import (


func main() {
in := bytes.NewReader([]byte("example"))
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
fmt.Print("stdout on Copy = ")
if err := interfaces.Copy(in, out); err != nil {

fmt.Println("out bytes buffer =", out.String())

fmt.Print("stdout on PipeExample = ")
if err := interfaces.PipeExample(); err != nil {
  1. Run go run ..
  1. You may also run the following:
          $ go build 
$ ./example

You should see the following output:

          $ go run .
stdout on Copy = exampleexample
out bytes buffer = exampleexample
stdout on PipeExample = test
  1. If you copied or wrote your own tests, go up one directory and run go test, and ensure that all tests pass.

How it works...

The Copy() function copies bytes between interfaces and treats that data like a stream. Thinking of data as streams has a lot of practical uses, especially when working with network traffic or filesystems. The Copy() function also creates a MultiWriter interface that combines two writer streams and writes to them twice using ReadSeeker. If a Reader interface was used instead, rather than seeing exampleexample, you would only see example despite copying to the MultiWriter interface twice. You can also use a buffered write if your stream is not fitted into the memory.

The PipeReader and PipeWriter structures implement the io.Reader and io.Writer interfaces. They're connected, creating an in-memory pipe. The primary purpose of a pipe is to read from a stream while simultaneously writing from the same stream to a different source. In essence, it combines the two streams into a pipe.

Go interfaces are a clean abstraction to wrap data that performs common operations. This is made apparent when doing I/O operations, and so the io package is a great resource for learning about interface composition. The pipe package is often underused, but provides great flexibility with thread safety when linking input and output streams.