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Advanced C++

By : Gazihan Alankus, Olena Lizina, Rakesh Mane, Vivek Nagarajan, Brian Price
5 (1)
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Advanced C++

5 (1)
By: Gazihan Alankus, Olena Lizina, Rakesh Mane, Vivek Nagarajan, Brian Price

Overview of this book

C++ is one of the most widely used programming languages and is applied in a variety of domains, right from gaming to graphical user interface (GUI) programming and even operating systems. If you're looking to expand your career opportunities, mastering the advanced features of C++ is key. The book begins with advanced C++ concepts by helping you decipher the sophisticated C++ type system and understand how various stages of compilation convert source code to object code. You'll then learn how to recognize the tools that need to be used in order to control the flow of execution, capture data, and pass data around. By creating small models, you'll even discover how to use advanced lambdas and captures and express common API design patterns in C++. As you cover later chapters, you'll explore ways to optimize your code by learning about memory alignment, cache access, and the time a program takes to run. The concluding chapter will help you to maximize performance by understanding modern CPU branch prediction and how to make your code cache-friendly. By the end of this book, you'll have developed programming skills that will set you apart from other C++ programmers.
Table of Contents (11 chapters)
6. Streams and I/O


In this chapter, we explored the lifetime of variables - both automatic and dynamic, where they are stored, and when they are destructed. We then used this information to develop RAII techniques that allow us to almost ignore resource management because the automatic variables will clean them up when they are destructed even in the presence of an exception. Then, we looked at throwing exceptions and catching them so that we can deal with abnormal conditions at the right level. From RAII, we went into a discussion on the ownership of resources and how STL smart pointers help us in this area. We discovered that just about everything is treated as a function call, thus allowing operator overloading and implicit conversions. We discovered the wonderful (or is it awful?) world of argument-dependent lookup (ADL) and how it can potentially trip us up in the future. We now have a good understanding of the fundamental features of C++. In the next chapter we will start to explore function...