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Advanced Microsoft Content Management Server Development

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Advanced Microsoft Content Management Server Development

Overview of this book

Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 is a dynamic web publishing system with which you can build websites quickly and cost-efficiently. MCMS provides the administration, authoring, and data management functionality, and you provide the website interface, logic, and workflow. Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server (SPS) also features in the book. SPS 2003 enables enterprises to deploy an intelligent portal that seamlessly connects users, teams, and knowledge so that people can take advantage of relevant information across business processes to help them work more efficiently.You've mastered the basics of MCMS, and setup your own MCMS installation. You've only scratched the surface. This book is your gateway to squeezing every penny from your investment in MCMS and SPS, and making these two applications work together to provide an outstanding richness of content delivery and easy maintainability. As a developer, the Publishing API (PAPI) is at the heart of your work with MCMS, and this book starts by taking you on the most detailed tour of the PAPI you will find anywhere. As a live example, a component that reveals the structure of your MCMS site is created, taking you through how to manage the common elements of MCMS programmatically. Getting SharePoint and MCMS to work together is the next stop in the book. You will see how to use SharePoint's search engine to search MCMS content, publish content between the two systems, and create SharePoint Web Parts to draw content from MCMS.To ease your everyday work with MCMS, there are chapters on placeholder validation, and some useful custom placeholders for common MCMS tasks, such as a date-time picker, a placeholder for multiple attachments, and a DataGrid placeholder among others. There are a number of ways to consume MCMS content from the outside world, and we look at two exciting ways here; RSS and InfoPath/Web Services. The InfoPath solution provides another interface to MCMS content that allows content authors to concentrate on content and not the presentation. The book is rounded off with a number of must-have MCMS tips and tricks. Revert a posting to a previous version Change a postingÔø???s template Build a recycle bin Deal with links to deleted resources Update a postingÔø???s properties directly from a template file Re-write ugly URLs to friendly URLs Export resource gallery items using the site deployment API (SDAPI) Configure the position and size of the Web Author Console Dialogs Get frames and IFrames to work correctly in a template file
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
Advanced Microsoft Content Management Server Development
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Using Reflection to List Properties and their Values

In the Properties dialog, we are going to list all properties of the selected object. Usually, when you want to access a property value in code, you simply type the object name, followed by the period key and then the property name.

This is fine when you are just dealing with one or two properties, but there are over 40 properties for the channel object alone. In order to display all its property values in this way, you would have to type in at least 40 lines of code. And should there be future upgrades to the PAPI, the list may grow even longer. The good news is there’s a short cut—.NET Reflection.

Reflection is a technique used to access information about a class, such as its methods, properties, events and even information about its assembly. To implement reflection, use the GetType() method of the object (inherited from System.Object), which returns an object of type System.Reflection.Type. The System.Reflection.Type class contains methods that retrieve metadata about the object’s class. For example, given any object, you can get a list of its methods by calling:


and to get a list of its properties, you could call:


As you can see, reflection is a powerful feature. In this example, instead of writing 40+ lines of code to list the properties of a ChannelItem object, we will simply use reflection to iterate through each property and display its value.

Let’s display the list of properties in a DataGrid. To start, add a new web form to the CMSExplorer project. Name the new web form Properties.aspx. Toggle to HTML view and add a couple of headings to the form to describe what it does:

<h1>Properties of <asp:Literal Runat="server" ID="litCurrentItem"/></h1>
<h2>List of all Properties and their values</h2></form>

In the web form’s code-behind file, import the Microsoft.ContentManagement.Publishing and System.Reflection namespaces and add the following code in the Page_Load() event handler:

. . . code continues . . .
using Microsoft.ContentManagement.Publishing;
// for reflection
using System.Reflection;

namespace CMSExplorer
  /// <summary>
  /// Summary description for Properties.
  /// </summary>
  public class Properties : System.Web.UI.Page
    HierarchyItem hItem; // the current item

    private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      CmsHttpContext cmsContext = CmsHttpContext.Current;
hItem = null;
string cmsObjectGuid = "";
if (Request.QueryString["CMSObjectGuid"]!=null)
// template gallery items and resource gallery items
cmsObjectGuid = Request.QueryString["CMSObjectGuid"];
hItem = cmsContext.Searches.GetByGuid(cmsObjectGuid);
// channels and postings
hItem = cmsContext.ChannelItem;
// list all properties and their values in the grid
if (hItem!=null)
litCurrentItem.Text = hItem.Path;
  . . . code continues . . .

The code gets a reference to the HierarchyItem whose properties you wish to view. For template galleries, templates, resource galleries, and resources, this is obtained by getting the GUID from the CMSObjectGuid querystring parameter and using the Searches.GetByGuid() method. Channels and postings are obtained from the CmsHttpContext.Current.ChannelItem property.

In Design view, drag and drop the Styles.css file and DataGrid onto the Properties.aspx web form and give the DataGrid the following property values:



Auto Format

Simple 3





Below the Page_Load() event handler, add the ListProperties() method. The method first creates a DataTable containing the following columns:

  • The property name

  • The property value

  • Whether or not the property can be written to

We use the GetType.GetProperties() method to retrieve a collection of all properties associated with the hierarchy item. Next, iterate through each property of the current ChannelItem and add each one as a row to the DataTable. Notice that the property value is obtained by calling PropertyInfo.GetValue() and passing in the hierarchy item as an input parameter. Finally, we bind the DataTable to the DataGrid.

private void ListProperties()
  // display the property names and values for the current channelitem
  DataTable dt = new DataTable();
  DataRow dr;

  // add columns for the property name, property value and
  // the boolean that indicates if the property is writable
  dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("PropertyName"));
  dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("PropertyValue"));
  dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("CanWrite"));

  // use reflection to iterate through a list of the object's properties
  foreach(PropertyInfo pi in hItem.GetType().GetProperties())
    if (pi.PropertyType.ToString().StartsWith("System"))
      dr = dt.NewRow();
      dr[0] = pi.Name;
      Object piObject = pi.GetValue(hItem, null);
      if (piObject!=null)
        dr[1] = piObject.ToString();
      dr[2] = pi.CanWrite.ToString();

  // bind the datatable to the datagrid
  DataGrid1.DataSource = dt.DefaultView;

When you are done, save and build the solution. To see the code in action:

  1. Access http://localhost/CmsExplorer.

  2. Click on the Edit button on the row corresponding to the Tropical Green channel.

  3. Click Properties.

The Properties page opens as shown on the facing page. Notice that all properties of the Tropical Green channel are displayed! The page also works when viewing the properties of other object types like template galleries and resource galleries.