Excel Project Management reports

In most project development teams, the following reports are frequently used to estimate the team's progress against completing tasks, finishing user stories, and achieving the iteration plan. These reports are available on the Burndown dashboard on the SharePoint site, that is associated with the team project portal. The Burndown dashboard shows four Excel reports that help monitor progress, Burndown, and other issues. These reports are as follows:

  • The Burndown Excel report

  • The Task Progress report

  • The User Story Progress Excel report

  • The Issue Trends Excel report

In order to have accurate data on the Burndown dashboard for the preceding Excel reports, team members need to perform the following activities on TFS:

  • Defining user stories from the product backlog

  • Specifying the area and iteration paths for each user's story item

  • Updating the state of each user's story item

  • Defining tasks

  • Specifying the area and iteration paths for each task item

  • Updating the completed...