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Apache Karaf Cookbook
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Creating our own custom Karaf command using a Maven archetype

The Karaf console provides a multitude of useful commands to interact with the OSGi runtime and manage deployed applications. As a systems builder, you may want to develop custom commands that integrate directly into Karaf so that you can automate tasks or interact directly with your applications.

Custom Karaf commands will appear in your container as a fully integrated component of the console, as shown in the following screenshot:

The previous screenshot illustrates our sample cookbook command accepting an option flag and an argument. Let's dive into building your own command.

Getting ready

The ingredients of this recipe include the Apache Karaf distribution kit, access to JDK, Maven, and a source code editor. The sample code for this recipe is available at

How to do it…

  1. The first step is generating a template command project. To encourage building custom commands, the community has provided the following Maven archetype invocation to generate Karaf command projects:

    mvn archetype:generate \
      -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.karaf.archetypes \
      -DarchetypeArtifactId=karaf-command-archetype \
      -DarchetypeVersion=3.0.0 \
      -DgroupId=com.packt.chapter1 \
      -DartifactId=command \
    -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT \

    In the preceding archetype invocation, we supply the Maven project group and artifact names. The process will request you to supply a command name. Maven then generates a project template for your command.

  2. The next step is implementing your custom code. The custom command template project will supply you with a Maven POM file, Blueprint wiring (in the src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/blueprint directory), and custom command stub implementation (in the src/main/java/ directory). Edit these files as required to add your custom actions.

  3. The last step is building and deploying the custom command in Karaf. We build our command via the Maven invocation mvn install. Deploying it in Karaf only requires issuing a well-formed install command; to do this, invoke install –s mvn:groupId/artifactId in the Karaf console. Consider the following invocation:

    karaf@root()> install –s mvn:com.packt.chapter1/command
     Bundle ID: 88

    The preceding invocation has the groupId value as com.packt.chapter1 and the artifactId value as command.

How it works…

The Maven archetype generates the POM build file, Java code, and Blueprint file for your custom command. Let's take a look at these key components.

The generated POM file contains all of the essential dependencies a Karaf command requires and sets up a basic Maven Bundle Plugin configuration. Edit this file to bring in additional libraries your command requires. Make sure that you update your bundle's build parameters accordingly. When this project is built, a bundle will be produced that can be installed directly into Karaf.

Our custom command logic resides in the generated Java source file, which will be named after the command name you supplied. The generated command extends Karaf's OSGICommandSupport class, which provides us with access to the underlying command session and OSGi environment. A Command annotation adorns our code. This provides the runtime with the scope, name, and description. Karaf provides the Argument and Option annotations to simplify adding a command-line argument and option processing.

The Blueprint container wires together our command implementation to the commands available in Karaf's console.


For more information on extending Karaf's console, see

There's more…

Thanks to Apache Karaf's SSHD service and remote client, your custom commands can be leveraged to provide external command and control of your applications. Just pass your command and its parameters to the remote client and monitor the returned results.

See also

  • The Branding the Apache Karaf console recipe