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Learning Android Application Testing

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Learning Android Application Testing

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Learning Android Application Testing
About the Authors
About the Reviewers


In this chapter, we covered all the alternatives we had to expose our application and its tests to a wide range of conditions and configurations, ranging from different screen sizes, the availability of devices such as cameras or keyboards, to simulating real-life network conditions to detect problems in our application.

We also analyzed all of the options we have in order to be able to control emulators remotely when they are detached from its window. This prepares the foundation of doing test first development, and we will come back to this topic in Chapter 6, Practicing Test-driven Development.

We discussed the speed of the AVD and saw how we can improve this, as well as looked at emulator choices in GenyMotion and HAXM. Finally, some scripting alternatives were introduced, and examples to get you started were provided.

In the next chapter, we will discover continuous integration—a way of working that relies on the ability to automatically run all the test suites and configure, start...