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Xamarin 4.x Cross-Platform Application Development - Third Edition

By : Jonathan Peppers
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Xamarin 4.x Cross-Platform Application Development - Third Edition

By: Jonathan Peppers

Overview of this book

Xamarin is a leading cross-platform application development tool used by top companies such as Coca-Cola, Honeywell, and Alaska Airlines to build apps. Version 4 features significant updates to the platform including the release of Xamarin.Forms 2.0 and improvements have been made to the iOS and Android designers. Xamarin was acquired by Microsoft so it is now a part of the Visual Studio family. This book will show you how to build applications for iOS, Android, and Windows. You will be walked through the process of creating an application that comes complete with a back-end web service and native features such as GPS location, camera, push notifications, and other core features. Additionally, you’ll learn how to use external libraries with Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms to create user interfaces. This book also provides instructions for Visual Studio and Windows. This edition has been updated with new screenshots and detailed steps to provide you with a holistic overview of the new features in Xamarin 4.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Xamarin 4.x Cross-Platform Application Development - Third Edition
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Using UINavigationController

In iOS applications, the key class for managing navigation between different controllers is the UINavigationController class. It is a parent controller that contains several child controllers in a stack. Users can move forward by putting new controllers on top of the stack, or using a built-in back button to pop a controller off the stack and navigate to the previous screen.

The developer can manipulate the navigation controller's stack with the following methods:

  • SetViewControllers: This sets an array of child controllers. It has a value to optionally animate the transition.

  • ViewControllers: This is a property for getting or setting the array of child controllers without an option for animation.

  • PushViewController: This places a new child controller at the top of the stack and has an option to display an animation.

  • PopViewController: This pops off the child controller at the top of the stack and has an option to animate the transition.

  • PopToViewController: This...