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Learning RxJava

By : Thomas Nield
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Learning RxJava

By: Thomas Nield

Overview of this book

RxJava is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using Observable sequences for the JVM, allowing developers to build robust applications in less time. Learning RxJava addresses all the fundamentals of reactive programming to help readers write reactive code, as well as teach them an effective approach to designing and implementing reactive libraries and applications. Starting with a brief introduction to reactive programming concepts, there is an overview of Observables and Observers, the core components of RxJava, and how to combine different streams of data and events together. You will also learn simpler ways to achieve concurrency and remain highly performant, with no need for synchronization. Later on, we will leverage backpressure and other strategies to cope with rapidly-producing sources to prevent bottlenecks in your application. After covering custom operators, testing, and debugging, the book dives into hands-on examples using RxJava on Android as well as Kotlin.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
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Chapter 9. Transformers and Custom Operators

In RxJava, there are ways to implement your own custom operators using the compose() and lift() methods, which exist on both Observable and Flowable. Most of the time, you will likely want to compose existing RxJava operators to create a new operator. But on occasion, you may find yourself needing an operator that must be built from scratch. The latter is a lot more work, but we will cover how to do both of these tasks.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Composing new operators with existing operators using compose() and Transformers
  • The to() operator
  • Implementing operators from scratch with lift()
  • RxJava2-Extras and RxJava2Extensions