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Spatial Analytics with ArcGIS

By : Eric Pimpler
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Spatial Analytics with ArcGIS

By: Eric Pimpler

Overview of this book

Spatial statistics has the potential to provide insight that is not otherwise available through traditional GIS tools. This book is designed to introduce you to the use of spatial statistics so you can solve complex geographic analysis. The book begins by introducing you to the many spatial statistics tools available in ArcGIS. You will learn how to analyze patterns, map clusters, and model spatial relationships with these tools. Further on, you will explore how to extend the spatial statistics tools currently available in ArcGIS, and use the R programming language to create custom tools in ArcGIS through the ArcGIS Bridge using real-world examples. At the end of the book, you will be presented with two exciting case studies where you will be able to practically apply all your learning to analyze and gain insights into real estate data.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Title Page
About the Author
About the Reviewer
Customer Feedback

Obtaining the Zillow real estate datasets

For this case study, we'll use two datasets including a point dataset containing all residential real estate sales in the San Antonio, TX area, and a Zillow neighborhood boundaries dataset for the same area:

  1. Open a web browser and go to
  2. You should see a link for Texas Neighborhood Boundaries. Click on this link to download a file called
  3. Extract this file to the C:GeospatialTrainingSpatialStatsRealEstate folder.
  4. This will create a new Zillowneighborhoods-TX folder, inside which is a single shapefile containing the Zillow neighborhood boundaries for Texas.