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Network Programming with Rust

By : Abhishek Chanda
Book Image

Network Programming with Rust

By: Abhishek Chanda

Overview of this book

Rust is low-level enough to provide fine-grained control over memory while providing safety through compile-time validation. This makes it uniquely suitable for writing low-level networking applications. This book is divided into three main parts that will take you on an exciting journey of building a fully functional web server. The book starts with a solid introduction to Rust and essential networking concepts. This will lay a foundation for, and set the tone of, the entire book. In the second part, we will take an in-depth look at using Rust for networking software. From client-server networking using sockets to IPv4/v6, DNS, TCP, UDP, you will also learn about serializing and deserializing data using serde. The book shows how to communicate with REST servers over HTTP. The final part of the book discusses asynchronous network programming using the Tokio stack. Given the importance of security for modern systems, you will see how Rust supports common primitives such as TLS and public-key cryptography. After reading this book, you will be more than confident enough to use Rust to build effective networking software
Table of Contents (11 chapters)


Rust treats testing as a first-class construct; all tools in the ecosystem supports testing. The compiler provides a built-in configuration attribute that designates a module for testing. There is also a test attribute that designates functions as tests. When Cargo generates a project from scratch, it sets up this boilerplate. Let's look at an example project; we will call it factorial. It will export a macro that computes the factorial given an integer. Since we have conveniently written such a macro before, we will just re-use that code here. Note that since this crate will be used as a library, this does not have a main function:

# cargo new factorial --lib
# cargo test
Compiling factorial v0.1.0 (file:///Users/Abhishek/Desktop/rust-book/src/ch2/factorial)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.6 secs
Running target/debug/deps/factorial-364286f171614349...