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Android Native Development Kit Cookbook

By : Liu Feipeng
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Android Native Development Kit Cookbook

By: Liu Feipeng

Overview of this book

Building Android applications would usually mean that you spend all of your time working in Java. There are however times when this is not the most efficient or best method for the application being built. This is where Android NDK comes in. Android NDK allows the developer to write in Native C/C++, giving you the power to reuse code and libraries and also, in most cases, increase the speed and efficiency of your application.The "Android Native Development Kit Cookbook" will help you understand the development, building, and debugging of your native Android applications. We will discover and learn JNI programming and essential NDK APIs such as OpenGL ES, and the native application API. We will then explore the process of porting existing libraries and software to NDK. By the end of this book you will be able to build your own apps in NDK apps."Android Native Development Kit Cookbook" begins with basic recipes that will help you in the building and debugging of native apps, and JNI programming. The recipes cover various topics of application development with Android NDK such as OpenGL programming and Multimedia programming. We will begin with a simple recipe, Hello NDK, before moving on to cover advanced topics with recipes on OpenGL ES that focus on 2D and 3D graphics, as well as recipes that discuss working with NDK and external APIs. If you are looking for ways to make your application available in Android and take measures to boost your application's performance, then this Cookbook is for you.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Android Native Development Kit Cookbook
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Accessing sensors at Android NDK

Many Android devices have built-in sensors to detect and measure motion, orientation, and other environmental conditions. It is possible to access sensors in Android NDK. This recipe will discuss how to do it in detail.

Getting ready

The example provided in this recipe is based on the sample code in the previous two recipes. Readers are recommended to read them first:

  • Managing native windows at Android NDK

  • Detecting and handling input events at Android NDK

How to do it…

The following steps develop the sample Android application, which demonstrates how to access sensors from Android NDK:

  1. Create an Android application named nativesensors. Set the package name as cookbook.chapter5.nativesensors. Please refer to the Loading native libraries and registering native methods recipe of Chapter 2, Java Native Interface, if you want more detailed instructions.

  2. Right-click on the nativesensors project, select Android Tools | Add Native Support.

  3. Update AndroidManifest.xml. Please...