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Vaadin 7 UI Design By Example: Beginner's Guide

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Vaadin 7 UI Design By Example: Beginner's Guide

Overview of this book

Vaadin is a mature, open-source, and powerful Java framework used to build modern web applications in plain Java. Vaadin brings back the fun of programming UI interfaces to the web universe. No HTML, no CSS, no JavaScript, no XML. Vaadin lets you implement web user interfaces using an object oriented model, similar to desktop technologies such as Swing and AWT. Vaadin 7 UI Design By Example: Beginner's Guide is an engaging guide that will teach you how to develop web applications in minutes. With this book, you will Develop useful applications and learn basics of Java web development. By the end of the book you will be able to build Java web applications that look fantastic. The book begins with simple examples using the most common Vaadin UI components and quickly move towards more complex applications as components are introduced chapter-by-chapter. Vaadin 7 UI Design By Example: Beginner's Guide shows you how to use Eclipse, Netbeans, and Maven to create Vaadin projects. It then demonstrates how to use labels, text fields, buttons, and other input components. Once you get a grasp of the basic usage of Vaadin, the book explains Vaadin theory to prepare you for the rest of the trip that will enhance your knowledge of Vaadin UI components and customization techniques.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Vaadin 7 UI Design By Example Beginner's Guide
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Tab sheets

A TabSheet allows users to alternate between views by using tabs. A user only sees the content of one tab at a time. Tabbed views are useful to logically break content up so users can more comfortably work with some components in a large area than if we put all the components in a single view.

To create an empty tab sheet, instantiate a new TabSheet object like this:

TabSheet tabs = new TabSheet();

You have two ways to add tabs. You can use the addTab method that takes two parameters, the first is the component that will go inside the tab, and the second is the title for the tab itself:

tabs.addTab(new Label("Label 1"), "Tabl 1");

Or you can use the addTab method that takes only one parameter, the component to add inside the tab. This method returns a Tab object representing the added tab. Tab, in turn, has a method to set the caption for the tab it represents:

tabs.addTab(new Label("Label 2")).setCaption("Tab 2");

This last one is similar to this:

Tab tab = tabs.addTab(new Label("Label...