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Swift Essentials

By : Alex Blewitt, Bandlem Limited
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Swift Essentials

By: Alex Blewitt, Bandlem Limited

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Swift Essentials
About the Author
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Storyboards, scenes, and segues

By default, Xcode 6 creates a Main.storyboard file instead of a MainWindow.xib file for newly-created iOS projects. A new UIMainStoryboardFile key in the Info.plist file points to the application's main storyboard name (without the extension). When the application starts up, Main.storyboard is loaded instead of the NSMainNib entry. Prior versions of Xcode allowed developers to opt in or out of storyboards, but with Xcode 6, storyboards are the default and developers cannot easily opt out. It is still possible to use xib files for individual sections of an application or to use them to load custom classes for prototype table cells. In addition, Xcode 6 creates a LaunchScreen.xib to display as a splash screen (on iOS 8 and higher) while the application is loading, in preference to pre-rendered screens at fixed resolutions. This allows devices with many different resolutions (including future unannounced ones) to render pixel-perfect splash screens without having...