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Python 3 Object-Oriented Programming - Second Edition

By : Dusty Phillips
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Python 3 Object-Oriented Programming - Second Edition

By: Dusty Phillips

Overview of this book

Python 3 is more versatile and easier to use than ever. It runs on all major platforms in a huge array of use cases. Coding in Python minimizes development time and increases productivity in comparison to other languages. Clean, maintainable code is easy to both read and write using Python's clear, concise syntax. Object-oriented programming is a popular design paradigm in which data and behaviors are encapsulated in such a way that they can be manipulated together. Many modern programming languages utilize the powerful concepts behind object-oriented programming and Python is no exception. Starting with a detailed analysis of object-oriented analysis and design, you will use the Python programming language to clearly grasp key concepts from the object-oriented paradigm. This book fully explains classes, data encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, and exceptions with an emphasis on when you can use each principle to develop well-designed software. You'll get an in-depth analysis of many common object-oriented design patterns that are more suitable to Python's unique style. This book will not just teach Python syntax, but will also build your confidence in how to program. You will also learn how to create maintainable applications by studying higher level design patterns. Following this, you'll learn the complexities of string and file manipulation, and how Python distinguishes between binary and textual data. Not one, but two very powerful automated testing systems will be introduced in the book. After you discover the joy of unit testing and just how easy it can be, you'll study higher level libraries such as database connectors and GUI toolkits and learn how they uniquely apply object-oriented principles. You'll learn how these principles will allow you to make greater use of key members of the Python eco-system such as Django and Kivy. This new edition includes all the topics that made Python 3 Object-oriented Programming an instant Packt classic. It's also packed with updated content to reflect recent changes in the core Python library and covers modern third-party packages that were not available on the Python 3 platform when the book was first published.  
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
Python 3 Object-oriented Programming Second Edition
About the Author
About the Reviewers
Introduction to the second edition

Introducing object-oriented

Everyone knows what an object is—a tangible thing that we can sense, feel, and manipulate. The earliest objects we interact with are typically baby toys. Wooden blocks, plastic shapes, and over-sized puzzle pieces are common first objects. Babies learn quickly that certain objects do certain things: bells ring, buttons press, and levers pull.

The definition of an object in software development is not terribly different. Software objects are not typically tangible things that you can pick up, sense, or feel, but they are models of something that can do certain things and have certain things done to them. Formally, an object is a collection of data and associated behaviors.

So, knowing what an object is, what does it mean to be object-oriented? Oriented simply means directed toward. So object-oriented means functionally directed towards modeling objects. This is one of the many techniques used for modeling complex systems by describing a collection of interacting objects via their data and behavior.

If you've read any hype, you've probably come across the terms object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design, object-oriented analysis and design, and object-oriented programming. These are all highly related concepts under the general object-oriented umbrella.

In fact, analysis, design, and programming are all stages of software development. Calling them object-oriented simply specifies what style of software development is being pursued.

Object-oriented analysis (OOA) is the process of looking at a problem, system, or task (that somebody wants to turn into an application) and identifying the objects and interactions between those objects. The analysis stage is all about what needs to be done.

The output of the analysis stage is a set of requirements. If we were to complete the analysis stage in one step, we would have turned a task, such as, I need a website, into a set of requirements. For example:

Website visitors need to be able to (italic represents actions, bold represents objects):

  • review our history

  • apply for jobs

  • browse, compare, and order products

In some ways, analysis is a misnomer. The baby we discussed earlier doesn't analyze the blocks and puzzle pieces. Rather, it will explore its environment, manipulate shapes, and see where they might fit. A better turn of phrase might be object-oriented exploration. In software development, the initial stages of analysis include interviewing customers, studying their processes, and eliminating possibilities.

Object-oriented design (OOD) is the process of converting such requirements into an implementation specification. The designer must name the objects, define the behaviors, and formally specify which objects can activate specific behaviors on other objects. The design stage is all about how things should be done.

The output of the design stage is an implementation specification. If we were to complete the design stage in a single step, we would have turned the requirements defined during object-oriented analysis into a set of classes and interfaces that could be implemented in (ideally) any object-oriented programming language.

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is the process of converting this perfectly defined design into a working program that does exactly what the CEO originally requested.

Yeah, right! It would be lovely if the world met this ideal and we could follow these stages one by one, in perfect order, like all the old textbooks told us to. As usual, the real world is much murkier. No matter how hard we try to separate these stages, we'll always find things that need further analysis while we're designing. When we're programming, we find features that need clarification in the design.

Most twenty-first century development happens in an iterative development model. In iterative development, a small part of the task is modeled, designed, and programmed, then the program is reviewed and expanded to improve each feature and include new features in a series of short development cycles.

The rest of this book is about object-oriented programming, but in this chapter, we will cover the basic object-oriented principles in the context of design. This allows us to understand these (rather simple) concepts without having to argue with software syntax or Python interpreters.