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Application Development with Swift

By : Hossam Ghareeb
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Application Development with Swift

By: Hossam Ghareeb

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (14 chapters)


Enumeration is a very useful concept that is used to group related values together and define a new type for them. You must be familiar with enumeration in Objective-C or in C. Swift added new flavors to enum, and made it more flexible and easy to use.

To create enum in Swift, use the enum keyword, and then you can list all the possible cases after the case keyword:

enum LevelDifficulty{
    case Easy
    case Medium
    case Hard
    case Advanced

In the preceding code, we defined the new type as LevelDifficulty to group the related values of difficulties together (Easy, Medium, Hard, and Advanced). To use this enum, you can easily create variables with the LevelDifficulty type:

var easyMode = LevelDifficulty.Easy
//Type is inferred as LevelDifficulty

var mode : LevelDifficulty
mode = .Hard

As we see in this example, there are various ways to create enum. In the second one, for the variable mode, we set the type first, and then gave it a value. To set the value of a variable, we use a . (dot) operator.

Using enumerations with the switch statement

Swift makes life easy with enum. We can see this in the following example:

var power :Int
switch mode
case .Easy:
    power = 20
case .Medium:
    power = 30
case .Hard:
    power = 50
case .Advanced:
    power = 90

Very easy, isn't it? But take care of some the very important notes in the switch statement while using it in Swift:

  • It has to be exhaustive, which means that you have to cover all the possible values of enum, and list them as cases, or use the default case.

  • Swift doesn't support fallthrough. Unlike other languages, Swift doesn't fall through the bottom of each switch case into the next one. The switch statement finishes its execution as soon as a switch case is matched without explicitly writing a break statement. For sure, this makes your code safer by avoiding the execution of more than one switch case, by forgetting to add a break statement!

Enumerations with associated values

Swift gives enumerations another flavor and a great feature. This enables you to store the additional information for each member value. These associated values can be any given type, and can also be different for each member value. If you feel confused, look at the next example:

enum MissionState{
    case Accomplished(Int)
    case Attempted(String, Int)
    case UnAttempted

In this enum, in the case of Accomplished, we provide an integer value for it, which will represent the number of stars earned in this mission. In the case of Attempted, we provide two values for it. One is the string that represents the most progress achieved, and the other is the integer value for the number of attempts. The last one is UnAttempted, where we don't have to provide any additional information.

So now, let's see how to use this type of enumerations:

var state = MissionState.Accomplished(3)
var attemptState = MissionState.Attempted("80%", 3)

It is very easy to use this type of enumeration in the switch statement:

switch attemptState
case .Accomplished(let stars):
    println("Mission accomplished with \(stars) stars")
case .Attempted(let progress, let count):
    println("Mission attempted \(count) times with most progress \(progress)")
case .UnAttempted:

To use the associated values in enumerations, Swift gives you the ability to label or describe these different values. This will make your code more readable and easy to use. To recreate our previous enum with labels, use the following code:

enum MissionState{
    case Accomplished(stars:Int)
    case Attempted(missionProgress:String, attemptsCount:Int)
    case UnAttempted

var state = MissionState.Accomplished(stars:3)
var attemptState = MissionState.Attempted(missionProgress: "80%", attemptsCount: 3)

You can see how the labels make the code very understandable and easier to read.