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ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5

By : Valerio De Sanctis
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ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5

By: Valerio De Sanctis

Overview of this book

Become fluent in both frontend and backend web development by combining the impressive capabilities of ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5 from project setup right through the deployment phase. Full-stack web development means being able to work on both the frontend and backend portions of an application. The frontend is the part that users will see or interact with, while the backend is the underlying engine, that handles the logical flow: server configuration, data storage and retrieval, database interactions, user authentication, and more. Use the ASP.NET Core MVC framework to implement the backend with API calls and server-side routing. Learn how to put the frontend together using top-notch Angular 5 features such as two-way binding, Observables, and Dependency Injection, build the Data Model with Entity Framework Core, style the frontend with CSS/LESS for a responsive and mobile-friendly UI, handle user input with Forms and Validators, explore different authentication techniques, including the support for third-party OAuth2 providers such as Facebook, and deploy the application using Windows Server, SQL Server, and the IIS/Kestrel reverse proxy.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
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Updating the database

It's time to create a new migration and reflect the code changes to the database by taking advantage of the code-first approach we chose in Chapter 4, Data Model with Entity Framework Core.

Adding the identity migration

To do that, open a command line or Powershell prompt and go to our project's root folder, then write the following:

dotnet ef migrations add "Identity" -o "Data\Migrations"

A new migration should then be added to the project:

The new migration files will be autogenerated in the \Data\Migrations\ folder.

Applying the migration

The next thing to do is to apply the new migration to our Database and update the existing data accordingly. Since we updated our DbSeeder class to support the new changes, the best thing we can do is to let it repopulate our database accordingly. Unfortunately, we know perfectly well that as long as there are some existing users in the database tables, the CreateUsers() method won't even run. This leaves us with two options:

  • Upgrade the...