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Mastering Elixir

By : André Albuquerque, Daniel Caixinha
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Mastering Elixir

By: André Albuquerque, Daniel Caixinha

Overview of this book

Running concurrent, fault-tolerant applications that scale is a very demanding responsibility. After learning the abstractions that Elixir gives us, developers are able to build such applications with inconceivable low effort. There is a big gap between playing around with Elixir and running it in production, serving live requests. This book will help you fll this gap by going into detail on several aspects of how Elixir works and showing concrete examples of how to apply the concepts learned to a fully ?edged application. In this book, you will learn how to build a rock-solid application, beginning by using Mix to create a new project. Then you will learn how the use of Erlang's OTP, along with the Elixir abstractions that run on top of it (such as GenServer and GenStage), that allow you to build applications that are easy to parallelize and distribute. You will also master supervisors (and supervision trees), and comprehend how they are the basis for building fault-tolerant applications. Then you will use Phoenix to create a web interface for your application. Upon fnishing implementation, you will learn how to take your application to the cloud, using Kubernetes to automatically deploy, scale, and manage it. Last, but not least, you will keep your peace of mind by learning how to thoroughly test and then monitor your application.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Title Page
Packt Upsell
Demand-Driven Processing


Throughout this introductory chapter, we've mentioned a couple of times that Elixir has protocols, with Enumerable being one of the examples. In this section, we'll dive into protocols and even define our own!

Protocols, like the behaviours we've seen in the last section, define a set of functions that have to be implemented. In that sense, both constructs serve as a way to achieve polymorphism in Elixir–being able to display multiple forms of behavior, but all linked to a single interface. While behaviours define a set of functions that a module needs to implement, and are thus tied to a module, protocols define a set of functions that a data type must implement. This means that, with protocols, we have data type polymorphism, and we're able to write functions that behave differently depending on the type of their arguments.

Let's now see how we can create a new protocol. We'll pick up, and extend, the example present in the official Getting Started guide (at We will define a Size protocol, which will be implemented by each data type. To define a new protocol, we use the defprotocol construct:

$ cat examples/size.ex
defprotocol Size do
  @doc "Calculates the size of a data structure"
  def size(data)

We're stating that our Size protocol expects the data types that will implement it must define a size/1 function, where the argument is the data structure we want to know the size of.

You can use the @doc directive to add documentation to this function, as you normally do with named functions inside modules. We can now define the implementation of this protocol for the data types we're interested in, using the defimpl construct:

$ cat examples/size_implementations_basic_types.ex
defimpl Size, for: BitString do
  def size(string), do: byte_size(string)

defimpl Size, for: Map do
  def size(map), do: map_size(map)

defimpl Size, for: Tuple do
  def size(tuple), do: tuple_size(tuple)


We didn't define an implementation for the lists, as in Elixir, size is usually used for data structures that have their size precomputed. For types where we have to compute this on demand, such as lists, the length term is used instead of size. This is further observable by looking at the name of the function used to get the dimension of a list: Kernel.length/1.

With this defined, we can see our protocol in action:

iex> Size.size("a string")
iex> Size.size(%{a: "b", c: "d"})
iex> Size.size({1, 2, 3})

If we try to use our protocol on a type that doesn't have an implementation defined, an error is raised:

iex> Size.size([1, 2, 3, 4])
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol Size not implemented for [1, 2, 3, 4]


You can define an implementation for a protocol on all Elixir data types: Atom, BitString, Float, Function, Integer, Tuple, List, Map, PID, Port, and Reference. Note that BitString is used for the binary type as well.


Having to implement a protocol for all types may quickly become monotonous and exhausting. You can define a fallback behavior for types that don't implement your protocol by implementing the protocol for Any. Let's do this for our Size protocol:

$ cat examples/size_implementation_any.ex
defimpl Size, for: Any do
  def size(_), do: 0

You have to define the desired behavior when a type doesn't implement your protocol. In this case, we're saying that it has a size of 0 (which might not make sense, since the data type may have a size different than 0, but let's ignore that detail).

We now have two options for this implementation to be used: Either mark the modules where we want this fallback behavior with @derive [Size] (the List module, for instance), or use @fallback_to_any true in the definition of our Size protocol. The former is more laborious as you have to annotate each module that you want to assume the behavior for Any, while the latter is simpler since you make it work on all data types just by changing the definition of your protocol. In the Elixir community, explicitness is usually preferred, and, as such, you're more likely to see the @derive approach in Elixir projects.

While implementing protocols for Elixir's data types already opens a world of possibilities, we can only fully utilize Elixir's extensibility when we mix them with structs. We haven't yet talked about structs, so we'll introduce them in the next section.


Structs are an abstraction built on top of maps. We define a struct inside a module, with the defstruct construct. The struct's name is the name of the module it's being defined in (which means you can only define one struct per module). To defstruct, we pass a keyword list, which contains the key-value pairs that define the fields that struct has, along with their default values. Let's define a Folder struct:

$ cat examples/folder.ex
defmodule Folder do
  defstruct name: "new folder", files_info: [], path: nil

We can now use it in our IEx session:

iex> %Folder{}
%Folder{files_info: [], name: "new folder", path: nil}
iex> %Folder{}.name
"new folder"
iex> %Folder{}.files_info

Elixir already has a File module, which provides several functions to deal with files. One of them is the File.stat/2, which returns a %File.Stat{} struct with information about the provided path. The files_info field in our %Folder{} struct is a list, which will contain %File.Stat{} structs as elements. Let's initialize a folder with one file:

iex> folder = %Folder{files_info: [File.stat!("string_helper.ex")]}
%Folder{files_info: [%File.Stat{access: :read_write,
   atime: {{2017, 12, 31}, {16, 58, 56}}, ctime: {{2017, 12, 30}, {3, 40, 29}},
   gid: 100, inode: 3290229, links: 1, major_device: 65024, minor_device: 0,
   mode: 33188, mtime: {{2017, 12, 30}, {3, 40, 29}}, size: 509, type: :regular,
   uid: 1000}], name: "new folder", path: nil}

Note that this example assumes you have a "string_helper.ex" file in the directory where you started iex. Also note that we're using File.stat!, which works similarly to File.stat, but, instead of returning a {:ok, result} tuple, it returns the result itself.

We now have our %Folder{} struct with one file. We can now show you the syntax to update a struct, which is similar to the one used in maps (or you can use the functions from the Map module). Assuming you also have a "recursion.ex" file on your current working directory, you can use this syntax to update the struct:

iex> folder = %Folder{ folder | files_info: [File.stat!("recursion.ex") | folder.files_info]}
%Folder{files_info: [%File.Stat{access: :read_write,
   atime: {{2017, 12, 30}, {20, 8, 29}}, ctime: {{2017, 12, 30}, {20, 8, 25}},
   gid: 100, inode: 3278529, links: 1, major_device: 65024, minor_device: 0,
   mode: 33188, mtime: {{2017, 12, 30}, {20, 8, 25}}, size: 270, type: :regular,
   uid: 1000},
  %File.Stat{access: :read_write, atime: {{2017, 12, 31}, {16, 58, 56}},
   ctime: {{2017, 12, 30}, {3, 40, 29}}, gid: 100, inode: 3290229, links: 1,
   major_device: 65024, minor_device: 0, mode: 33188,
   mtime: {{2017, 12, 30}, {3, 40, 29}}, size: 509, type: :regular, uid: 1000}],
 name: "new folder", path: nil}
iex> folder.files_info
[%File.Stat{access: :read_write, atime: {{2017, 12, 30}, {20, 8, 29}},
  ctime: {{2017, 12, 30}, {20, 8, 25}}, gid: 100, inode: 3278529, links: 1,
  major_device: 65024, minor_device: 0, mode: 33188,
  mtime: {{2017, 12, 30}, {20, 8, 25}}, size: 270, type: :regular, uid: 1000},
 %File.Stat{access: :read_write, atime: {{2017, 12, 31}, {16, 58, 56}},
  ctime: {{2017, 12, 30}, {3, 40, 29}}, gid: 100, inode: 3290229, links: 1,
  major_device: 65024, minor_device: 0, mode: 33188,
  mtime: {{2017, 12, 30}, {3, 40, 29}}, size: 509, type: :regular, uid: 1000}]

As you can see, we now have two files in our %Folder{} struct.


Although structs are implemented on top of maps, they do not share protocol implementations with the Map module. This means that you can't, out of the box, iterate on a struct, as it doesn't implement the Enumerable protocol.

We'll end our little tour of structs with two more bits of information. First, if you don't provide a default value when defining the fields of a struct, nil will be assumed as its default value. Second, you can enforce that certain fields are required when creating your struct. You do that with the @enforce_keys module attribute. If we wanted to make sure path was provided when creating our %Folder{} struct, we would define it as following:

$ cat examples/folder_with_enforce_keys.ex
defmodule Folder do
  @enforce_keys :path

  defstruct name: "new folder", files_info: [], path: nil

If you don't provide path when creating this struct, ArgumentError will be raised:

iex> %Folder{}
** (ArgumentError) the following keys must also be given when building struct Folder: [:path]
    expanding struct: Folder.__struct__/1
    iex:46: (file)
iex> %Folder{path: "/a/b/c/"}
%Folder{files_info: [], name: "new folder", path: "/a/b/c/"}

Bringing structs and protocols together

Now that we have the %Folder{} struct defined, we can define its implementation for the Size protocol.

We'll first define the implementation for the %File.Stat{} struct, as we can then use this to implement the protocol for %Folder{}. Here's the implementation for %File.Stat{}:

$ cat examples/size_implementations_file_stat_and_folder.ex
defimpl Size, for: File.Stat do
  def size(file_stat), do: file_stat.size

# ...

With this in place, our implementation for our %Folder{} struct is as follows:

$ cat examples/size_implementations_file_stat_and_folder.ex
# ...

defimpl Size, for: Folder do
  def size(folder) do
    |> Enum.sum()

To find out the size of a folder, we sum the size of each file it contains. As such, this implementation iterates through our files_info list, using the Size implementation for %File.Stat{} to get the size of each file, summing all the sizes in the end. In the following snippet, we can see this implementation being used on the folder variable we just defined:

iex> Size.size(folder)

With this, we can see the full power of mixing structs and protocols, which lets us have polymorphic functions based on the data type of their arguments. We now have a common interface, Size.size(data), that allows us to find out the size of pretty much anything we want, provided that we implement the Size protocol for the data type we're interested in.