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Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow

By : Motaz Saad, Thushan Ganegedara
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Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow

By: Motaz Saad, Thushan Ganegedara

Overview of this book

Natural language processing (NLP) supplies the majority of data available to deep learning applications, while TensorFlow is the most important deep learning framework currently available. Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow brings TensorFlow and NLP together to give you invaluable tools to work with the immense volume of unstructured data in today’s data streams, and apply these tools to specific NLP tasks. Thushan Ganegedara starts by giving you a grounding in NLP and TensorFlow basics. You'll then learn how to use Word2vec, including advanced extensions, to create word embeddings that turn sequences of words into vectors accessible to deep learning algorithms. Chapters on classical deep learning algorithms, like convolutional neural networks (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNN), demonstrate important NLP tasks as sentence classification and language generation. You will learn how to apply high-performance RNN models, like long short-term memory (LSTM) cells, to NLP tasks. You will also explore neural machine translation and implement a neural machine translator. After reading this book, you will gain an understanding of NLP and you'll have the skills to apply TensorFlow in deep learning NLP applications, and how to perform specific NLP tasks.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow

Comparing LSTMs to LSTMs with peephole connections and GRUs

Now we will compare LSTMs to LSTMs with peepholes and GRUs in the text generation task. This will help us to compare how well different models (LSTMs with peepholes and GRUs) perform in terms of perplexity as well as the quality of the generated text. This is available as an exercise in lstm_extensions.ipynb located in the ch8 folder.

Standard LSTM

First, we will reiterate the components of a standard LSTM. We will not repeat the code for standard LSTMs as it is identical to what we discussed previously. Finally, we will see some text generated by an LSTM.


Here we will revisit what a standard LSTM looks like. As we already mentioned, an LSTM consists of the following:

  • Input gate: This decides how much of the current input is written to the cell state

  • Forget gate: This decides how much of the previous cell state is written to the current cell state

  • Output gate: This decides how much information from the cell state is exposed to...