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Hands-On High Performance with Spring 5

By : Chintan Mehta, Subhash Shah, Pritesh Shah, Prashant Goswami, Dinesh Radadiya
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Hands-On High Performance with Spring 5

By: Chintan Mehta, Subhash Shah, Pritesh Shah, Prashant Goswami, Dinesh Radadiya

Overview of this book

While writing an application, performance is paramount. Performance tuning for real-world applications often involves activities geared toward detecting bottlenecks. The recent release of Spring 5.0 brings major advancements in the rich API provided by the Spring framework, which means developers need to master its tools and techniques to achieve high performance applications. Hands-On High Performance with Spring 5 begins with the Spring framework's core features, exploring the integration of different Spring projects. It proceeds to evaluate various Spring specifications to identify those adversely affecting performance. You will learn about bean wiring configurations, aspect-oriented programming, database interaction, and Hibernate to focus on the metrics that help identify performance bottlenecks. You will also look at application monitoring, performance optimization, JVM internals, and garbage collection optimization. Lastly, the book will show you how to leverage the microservice architecture to build a high performance and resilient application. By the end of the book, you will have gained an insight into various techniques and solutions to build and troubleshoot high performance Spring-based applications.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)

Microservices with Spring Cloud

Spring Cloud provides a declarative approach to building cloud-native web applications. Cloud-native is an application development paradigm to encourage adoption of value-driven development best practices. Spring Cloud is built on top of Spring Boot. Spring Cloud provides a way for all components in a distributed system to have easy access to all features.

Spring Cloud provides:

  • Git-managed versioning of centralized configuration data
  • Pairing with Netflix Eureka and Ribbon for application services to discover each other dynamically
  • Pushing away load-balancing decisions from a dedicated proxy load balancer to client services

Externalized configurations is one of the major advantages of Spring Cloud. In the next section, we will develop an example to showcase the externalized configuration for the Spring Boot application.
