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Oracle BPM Suite 11g: Advanced BPMN Topics

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Oracle BPM Suite 11g: Advanced BPMN Topics

Overview of this book

Oracle BPM Suite is a popular and highly capable business process management system with extensive integration capabilities. BPMN, one of the most widely used process modeling notations, includes advanced capabilities for inter-process communication, working of arrays of data, and handling exceptions. However, these very same areas are often poorly understood. This book gives you the knowledge to create professional process models using these advanced features of BPMN."Oracle BPM Suite 11g: Advanced BPMN Topics" is the only book available that provides coverage of advanced BPMN topics for Oracle BPM Suite, helping to fill in the gaps left by the product documentation, and giving you the information that you need to know to use BPMN to its full potential.This book covers the important theory behind inter-process communication, working with arrays and handling exceptions in BPMN, along with detailed, step-by-step practical exercises that demonstrate and consolidate this theoretical knowledge.Throughout the book we'll cover topics including different types of sub-processes, initializing and manipulating arrays, using the multi-instance embedded sub-process, fault propagation and more.With "Oracle BPM Suite 11g: Advanced BPMN Topics" in hand, you'll gain detailed and practical experience in using the advanced features of BPMN to create professional BPMN processes with Oracle BPM.
Table of Contents (12 chapters)
Oracle BPM Suite 11g: Advanced BPMN Topics
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Using boundary events to implement timeouts

The simplest way to see for yourself how boundary events work is to create a simple process with a human task and a timer boundary event set to a suitable time period, for example, one minute. Then, you can start an instance of the process and ignore the human task for a minute to see the boundary event fire.

Let's create this example now:

  1. In JDeveloper, create a new BPM Application and call it BoundaryEvents.

  2. Create new BPM Project called BoundaryEvents.

  3. Create new Process called MyTimerEvent.

  4. Move the End node aside to create some more space and add a User task and two Activity tasks to your process. Name the two Activity tasks as Normal Activity and Handle Timeout.

  5. Mark both of the Activity tasks as draft.

  6. Open the Events section of the palette, and from the Catch Events group drag a Timer event into the process. While you are still dragging it, move it on to the edge of the User task. It will "attach" itself to the edge of the task. You will see...