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Hands-On Transfer Learning with Python

By : Dipanjan Sarkar, Nitin Panwar, Raghav Bali, Tamoghna Ghosh
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Hands-On Transfer Learning with Python

By: Dipanjan Sarkar, Nitin Panwar, Raghav Bali, Tamoghna Ghosh

Overview of this book

Transfer learning is a machine learning (ML) technique where knowledge gained during training a set of problems can be used to solve other similar problems. The purpose of this book is two-fold; firstly, we focus on detailed coverage of deep learning (DL) and transfer learning, comparing and contrasting the two with easy-to-follow concepts and examples. The second area of focus is real-world examples and research problems using TensorFlow, Keras, and the Python ecosystem with hands-on examples. The book starts with the key essential concepts of ML and DL, followed by depiction and coverage of important DL architectures such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), deep neural networks (DNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), long short-term memory (LSTM), and capsule networks. Our focus then shifts to transfer learning concepts, such as model freezing, fine-tuning, pre-trained models including VGG, inception, ResNet, and how these systems perform better than DL models with practical examples. In the concluding chapters, we will focus on a multitude of real-world case studies and problems associated with areas such as computer vision, audio analysis and natural language processing (NLP). By the end of this book, you will be able to implement both DL and transfer learning principles in your own systems.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)

Standard ML workflow

The CRISP-DM model provides a high-level workflow for management of ML and related projects. In this section, we will discuss the technical aspects and implementation of standard workflows for handling ML projects. Simply put, an ML pipeline is an end-to-end workflow consisting of various aspects of a data intensive project. Once the initial phases such as business understanding, risk assessments, and ML or data mining techniques selection have been covered, we proceed towards the solution space of driving the project. A typical ML pipeline or workflow with different sub-components is shown in the following diagram:

Typical ML pipeline

A standard ML pipeline broadly consists of the following stages.

Data retrieval

Data collection and extraction is where the story usually begins. Datasets come in all forms including structured and unstructured data that often includes missing or noisy data. Each data type and format needs special mechanisms for data handling as well as management. For instance, if a project concerns analysis of tweets, we need to work with Twitter APIs and develop mechanisms to extract the required tweets, which are usually in JSON format.

Other scenarios may involve already existing structured or unstructured public datasets or private ones, both may require additional permissions apart from just developing extraction mechanisms. A fairly detailed account pertaining to working with diverse data formats is discussed in Chapter 3 of the book Practical Machine Learning with Python, Sarkar and their co-authors, Springer, 2017 in case you are interested in diving deeper into further details.

Data preparation

It is worth reiterating that this is where the maximum time is spent in the whole pipeline. This is a fairly detailed step that involves fundamental and important sub-steps, which include:

  • Exploratory data analysis
  • Data processing and wrangling
  • Feature engineering and extraction
  • Feature scaling and selection

Exploratory data analysis

So far, all the initial steps in the project have revolved around business context, requirements, risks, and so on. This is the first touch point where we actually explore in depth the data that is collected/available. EDA helps us understand various facets of our data. In this step, we analyze different attributes of data, uncover interesting insights, and even visualize data on different dimensions to get a better understanding.

This step helps us gather important characteristics of the dataset at hand, which not only is useful in later stages of the project but also helps us identify and/or mitigate potential issues early in the pipeline. We cover an interesting example later on in this chapter for readers to understand the process and importance of EDA.

Data processing and wrangling

This step is concerned with the transformation of data into a usable form. The raw data retrieved in the first step is in most cases unusable by ML algorithms. Formally, data wrangling is the process of cleaning, transforming, and mapping data from one form to another for consumption in later stages of the project life cycle. This step includes missing data imputation, typecasting, handling duplicates and outliers, and so on. We will cover these steps in the context of use-case driven chapters for a better understanding.

Feature engineering and extraction

Preprocessed and wrangled data reaches the state where it can be utilized by the feature engineering and extraction step. In this step, we utilize existing attributes to derive and extract context/use-case specific attributes or features that can be utilized by ML algorithms in the coming stages. We employ different techniques based on data types.

Feature engineering and extraction is a fairly involved step and hence is discussed in more detail in the later part of this chapter.

Feature scaling and selection

There are cases when the number of features available is so large that it adversely affects the overall solution. Not only is the processing and handling of a dataset with a huge number of attributes an issue but it also leads to difficulty in interpretation, visualization, and many more. These issues are formally termed as the curse of dimensionality.

Feature selection thus helps us identify representative sets of features that can be utilized in the modeling step without much loss of information. There are different techniques to perform feature selection; some of them are discussed in the later sections of the chapter.


In the process of modeling, we usually feed the data features to a ML method or algorithm and train the model, typically to optimize a specific cost function, in most cases with the objective of reducing errors and generalizing the representations learned from the data.

Depending upon the dataset and project requirements, we apply one or a combination of different ML techniques. These can include supervised techniques such as classification or regression, unsupervised techniques such as clustering, or even a hybrid approach combining different techniques (as discussed earlier in the ML techniques sections).

Modeling is usually an iterative process, and we often leverage multiple algorithms or methods and choose the best model, based on model evaluation performance metrics. Since this is a book about transfer learning, we will mostly be building deep learning based models in subsequent chapters, but the basic principles of modeling are quite similar to ML models.

Model evaluation and tuning

Developing a model is just one portion of learning from data. Modeling, evaluation, and tuning are iterative steps that help us fine-tune and select the best performing models.

Model evaluation

A model is basically a generalized representation of data and the underlying algorithm used for learning this representation. Thus, model evaluation is the process of evaluating the built model against certain criteria to assess its performance. Model performance is usually a function defined to provide a numerical value to help us decide the effectiveness of any model. Often, cost or loss functions are optimized to build an accurate model based on these evaluation metrics.

Depending upon the modeling technique used, we leverage relevant evaluation metrics. For supervised methods, we usually leverage the following techniques:

  • Creating a confusion matrix based on model predictions versus actual values. This covers metrics such as True Positive (TP), False Positive (FP), True Negative (TN), and False Negative (FN) considering one of the classes as the positive class (which is usually a class of interest).
  • Metrics derived from the confusion matrix, which include accuracy (overall performance), precision (predictive power of the model), recall (hit rate), and the F1-score (harmonic mean of precision and recall).
  • The receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve and the area under curve (AUC) metric, which represents the AUC.
  • R-square (coefficient of determination), root mean square error (RMSE), F-statistic, Akaike information criterion (AIC), and p-values specifically for regression models.

Popular metrics for evaluating unsupervised methods such as clustering include the following:

  • Silhouette coefficients
  • Sum of squared errors
  • Homogeneity, completeness, and the V-measure
  • Calinski-Harabaz index
Do note that this list depicts the most popular metrics, which are extensively used, but is by no means an exhaustive list of model evaluation metrics.

Cross-validation is also an important aspect of the model evaluation process where we leverage validation sets based on cross-validation strategies to evaluate model performance by tuning various hyperparameters of the model. You can think of hyperparameters as knobs that can be used to tune the model to build efficient and better performing models. The usage and details of these evaluation techniques will be more clear when we use them for evaluating our models in subsequent chapters with extensive hands-on examples.

Bias variance trade-off

Supervised learning algorithms help us infer or learn a mapping from input data points to output signals. This learning results in a target or a learned function. Now, in an ideal scenario, the target function would learn the exact mapping between input and output variables. Unfortunately, there are no ideals.

As discussed while introducing supervised learning algorithms, we utilized a subset of data called the training dataset to learn the target function and then test the performance on another subset called the test dataset. Since the algorithm only sees a subset of all possible combinations of data, there arises an error between the predicted outputs and the observed outputs. This is called the total error or the prediction error:

Total Error = Bias Error + Variance Error + Irreducible Error

The irreducible error is the inherent error introduced due to noise, the way we have framed the problem, collected the data, and so on. As the name suggests, this error is irreducible, and we can do little from an algorithmic point of view to handle this.


The term bias refers to the underlying assumptions made by a learning algorithm to infer the target function. High bias suggests that the algorithm makes more assumptions about the target function while low bias suggests lesser assumptions.

The error due to bias is simply the difference between the expected (or average) prediction values and the actual observed values. To get an average of predictions, we repeat the learning step multiple times and then average the results. Bias error helps us understand how well the model generalizes. Low bias algorithms are usually non-parametric algorithms such as decision trees, SVMs, and so on, while parametric functions such as linear and logistic regression are high on bias.


Variance marks the sensitivity of a model towards the training dataset. As we know, the learning phase relies on a small subset of all possible data combinations called the training set. Thus, variance error captures the changes in the model's estimates as the training dataset changes.

Low variance suggests significantly fewer changes to prediction values, as the underlying training dataset changes while high variance points in the other direction. Non-parametric algorithms such as decision trees have high variance, while parametric algorithms such as linear regression are less flexible and hence low on variance.


The bias-variance trade-off is the problem of simultaneously reducing the bias and variance errors of a supervised learning algorithm, which prevents the target function from generalizing well beyond the training data points. Let's have a look at the following illustrations:

Bias variance trade-off

Readers are encouraged to visit the following links for a better and in-depth understanding of bias-variance trade-off: and

Consider that we are given a problem statement as: given a person's height, determine his/her weight. We are also given a training dataset with corresponding values for height and weight. The data is shown in the following diagram:

Plot depicting height-weight dataset
Please note that this is a toy example to explain important concepts, we will use real-world cases in subsequent chapters while solving actual problems.

This is an instance of supervised learning problem, more so of a regression problem (see why?). Utilizing this training dataset, our algorithm would have to learn the target function to find a mapping between heights and weights of different individuals.


Based on our algorithm, there could be different outputs of the training phase. Let's assume that the learned target function is as shown in the following diagram:

Underfit model

This lazy function always predicts a constant output value. Since the target function is not able to learn the underlying structure of the data, it results in what is termed as underfitting. An underfit model has a poor predictive performance.


The other extreme of the training phase is termed as overfitting. The overfitting graph can be represented as follows:

Overfit model

This shows a target function that perfectly maps each data point in our training dataset. This is better known as model overfitting. In such cases, the algorithm tries to learn the exact data characteristics, including the noise, and thus fails to predict reliably on new unseen data points.


The sweet spot between underfitting and overfitting is what we term as a good fit. The graph for a model which may generalize well for the given problem is as follows:

Well generalizing fit

A learned function that can perform well enough on unseen data points as well as on the training data is termed a generalizable function. Thus, generalization refers to how well a target function can perform on unseen data, based on the concepts learned during the training phase. The preceding diagram depicts a well generalizing fit.

Model tuning

Preparing and evaluating a model is as essential as tuning one. Working with different ML frameworks/libraries that provide us with the standard set of algorithms, we hardly ever use them straight out of the box.

ML algorithms have different parameters or knobs, which can be tuned based on the project requirements and different evaluation results. Model tuning works by iterating over different settings of hyperparameters or metaparameters to achieve better results. Hyperparameters are knobs at a high-level abstraction, which are set before the learning process begins.

This is different from model level parameters, which are learned during the training phase. Hence, model tuning is also termed hyperparameter optimization.

Grid search, randomized hyperparameter search, Bayesian optimization, and so on are some of the popular ways of performing model tuning. Though model tuning is very important, overdoing it might impact the learning process adversely. Some of the issues related to overdoing the tuning process were discussed in the section bias-variance trade-off.

Deployment and monitoring

Once model development, evaluation, and tuning is complete, along with multiple iterations of improving the results, the final stage of model deployment comes into the picture. Model deployment takes care of aspects such as model persistence, exposing models to other applications through different mechanisms such as API endpoints, and so on, along with developing monitoring strategies.

We live in a dynamic world where everything changes every so often, and the same is true about data and other factors related to our use cases. It is imperative that we put in place monitoring strategies such as regular reports, logs, and tests to keep a check on the performance of our solutions and make changes as and when required.

ML pipelines are as much about software engineering as they are about data science and ML. We outlined and discussed the different components of a typical pipeline in brief. Depending upon specific use cases, we modify the standard pipeline to suit the needs yet make sure we do not overlook known pitfalls. In the coming sections, let's understand a couple of the components of a typical ML pipeline in a bit more detail, with actual examples and code snippets.