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Apache Spark for Data Science Cookbook

By : Padma Priya Chitturi
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Apache Spark for Data Science Cookbook

By: Padma Priya Chitturi

Overview of this book

Spark has emerged as the most promising big data analytics engine for data science professionals. The true power and value of Apache Spark lies in its ability to execute data science tasks with speed and accuracy. Spark’s selling point is that it combines ETL, batch analytics, real-time stream analysis, machine learning, graph processing, and visualizations. It lets you tackle the complexities that come with raw unstructured data sets with ease. This guide will get you comfortable and confident performing data science tasks with Spark. You will learn about implementations including distributed deep learning, numerical computing, and scalable machine learning. You will be shown effective solutions to problematic concepts in data science using Spark’s data science libraries such as MLLib, Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, and more. These simple and efficient recipes will show you how to implement algorithms and optimize your work.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Apache Spark for Data Science Cookbook
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Working with pair RDDs

This recipe shows how to work with RDDs of key/value pairs. Key/value RDDs are often widely used to perform aggregations. These key/value RDDs are called pair RDDs. We'll do some initial ETL to get the data into a key/value format and see how to apply transformations on single-pair RDDs and two-pair RDDs.

Getting ready

To step through this recipe, you will need a running Spark cluster either in pseudo distributed mode or in one of the other distributed modes, that is, standalone, YARN, or Mesos. It could be run in local mode as well.

How to do it…

  1. We can create a pair RDD from a collection of strings in the following way:

            val baseRdd =
            val inputRdd = sc.makeRDD(List(("is",2), ("it",2), ("cat",8
            val wordsRdd = baseRdd.flatMap(record => record.split(",")) 
            val wordPairs = => (word, word.length)) 
            val filteredWordPairs = wordPairs.filter{case(word, length) =>
            length >=2} 
  2. Also, pair RDDs can be created from the hdfs input files. Let's take a text file which contains stocks data as follows:

  3. Now, creating pair RDDs for the preceding data looks like this:

            val textFile = sc.textFile("hdfs://namenodeHostName:8020
            val stocksPairRdd ={record => val colData =  
  4. Let's apply transformations on pair RDDs as follows:

          val stocksGroupedRdd = stocksPairRdd.groupByKey 
          val stocksReducedRdd = stocksPairRdd.reduceByKey((x,y)=>x+y) 
          val subtractedRdd = wordPairs.subtractByKey(inputRdd) 
          val cogroupedRdd = wordPairs.cogroup(inputRdd) 
          val joinedRdd = filteredWordPairs.join(inputRdd) 
          val sortedRdd = wordPairs.sortByKey 
          val leftOuterJoinRdd = inputRdd.leftOuterJoin(filteredWordPairs) 
          val rightOuterJoinRdd = wordPairs.rightOuterJoin(inputRdd) 
          val flatMapValuesRdd = filteredWordPairs.flatMapValues(length =>   
          1 to 5) 
          val mapValuesRdd = wordPairs.mapValues(length => length*2) 
          val keys = wordPairs.keys 
          val values = filteredWordPairs.values 

How it works…

The usage of various pair RDD transformations is given as follows:

  • groupByKey groups the values of the RDD by key.

  • reduceByKey performs aggregation on the grouped values corresponding to a key.

  • subtractByKey removes tuples in the first RDD whose key matches with the other RDD.

  • join groups all the values pertaining to a particular key in both the RDDs.

  • cogroup does the same job as join but in addition it first groups the values in the first RDD and then in the other RDD.

  • leftOuterJoin and rightOuterJoin work similarly to join with a slight variation that is, leftOuterJoin includes all the records from left RDD and if there is no matching record found in the right RDD, the corresponding values are represented as none and vice versa for rightOuterJoin.

  • mapValues transformation applies a function to each of the values of the pair RDD without changing the key.

  • The functioning of flatMapValues is typical. It applies the function which returns an iterator to each value of a pair RDD, and for each element returned, a key/value entry is produced with the old key.

  • keys and values transformations return respectively all keys and all values of a pair RDD.

There's more…

There are other pair RDD transformations, such as, foldByKey, combineByKey, and aggregateByKey, and actions such as countByKey and countByValue along with the available regular actions such as count, first, take, and so on. Any pair RDD transformation would involve a shuffle operation which shuffles the data across the partitions. To know more about the working of the shuffle operation and its performance impact, please refer to

See also

The Working with the Spark programming model and Working with Spark's Python and Scala shells recipes explain how to work with RDDs and how to make use of Spark shell for testing the application logic.