Implementing a room-based chat application
One of the most common types of real-time application is messaging systems, and chat applications are a good example of such a category. In this recipe, we will build a web chat where users will log in using a nickname, and once logged in, they will be able to create and join rooms. After joining a room, they will be able to post messages and see what other users say. The application will, of course, miss many of the functionalities that we usually find in a chat application, but it should be good enough to showcase a concrete usage of several SignalR features, namely the following:
Calling methods on a hub from the client
Triggering client-side callbacks from the server
Using the Groups API
Getting ready
Our application will consist of the following:
, which will handle things such as the login process, rooms management, and message broadcasting.A page for the client part, named
, that displays the list of available rooms...