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Practical XMPP

By : Steven Watkin, David Koelle
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Practical XMPP

By: Steven Watkin, David Koelle

Overview of this book

XMPP (eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) is a messaging protocol that enables communication between two or more devices via the Internet. With this book, developers will learn about the fundamentals of XMPP, be able to work with the core functionality both server-side and in the browser, as well as starting to explore several of the protocol extensions. You will not only have a solid grasp of XMPP and how it works, but will also be able to use the protocol to build real-world applications that utilize the power of XMPP. By the end of this book, you will know more about networking applications in general, and have a good understanding of how to extend XMPP, as well as using it in sample applications.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Practical XMPP
About the Authors
About the Reviewers
Free Chapter
An Introduction to XMPP and Installing Our First Server

About the Reviewers

Emilien Kenler, after working on small web projects, began focusing on game development in 2008 while he was in high school. Until 2011, he worked for different groups and specialized in system administration.

In 2011, he founded a company that sold Minecraft servers while studying Computer Science Engineering. He created a lightweight IaaS ( based on new technologies such as Node.js and RabbitMQ.

Thereafter, he worked at TaDaweb as a system administrator, building its infrastructure and creating tools to manage deployments and monitoring.

In 2014, he began a new adventure at Wizcorp, Tokyo. The same year, Emilien graduated from the University of Technology of Compiègne, France.

Since 2016, he’s a systems engineer at Vesper, the company behind TableSolution, a leading restaurant reservation and CRM system.

Emilien has written MariaDB Essentials, Packt Publishing. He has also contributed as a reviewer on Learning Nagios 4, MariaDB High Performance, OpenVZ Essentials, Vagrant Virtual Development Environment Cookbook, Getting Started with MariaDB Second Edition and Mastering Redis, all by Packt Publishing.

Ian Wild's career has always focused primarily on communication and learning. Ian, a physicist by profession, spent 15 years in private industry designing communication systems software (Lucent Technologies, Avaya) before specializing in the development and deployment of learning management systems. Ian has a particular interest in the integration of legacy systems. He is currently the lead developer for Skills for Health, the sector skills council for the UK's health sector. He is responsible for one of the country's busiest online learning platforms (the National Skills Academy for Health).