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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Extensions Cookbook

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Extensions Cookbook

Overview of this book

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a powerful tool. It has many unique features that empower organisations to bridge common business challenges and technology pitfalls that would usually hinder the adoption of a CRM solution. This book sets out to enable you to harness the power of Dynamics 365 and cater to your unique circumstances. We start this book with a no-code configuration chapter and explain the schema, fields, and forms modeling techniques. We then move on to server-side and client-side custom code extensions. Next, you will see how best to integrate Dynamics 365 in a DevOps pipeline to package and deploy your extensions to the various SDLC environments. This book also covers modern libraries and integration patterns that can be used with Dynamics 365 (Angular, 3 tiers, and many others). Finally, we end by highlighting some of the powerful extensions available. Throughout we explain a range of design patterns and techniques that can be used to enhance your code quality; the aim is that you will learn to write enterprise-scale quality code.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Title Page
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Customer Feedback

Dynamics 365 Common Data Services

TheCcommon Data Service (CDS) is a great addition to the Office 365 ecosystem. It offers an Azure-based, easy-to-use data modeling service that can store data securely to be shared across a wide range of applications.

You will notice that the default data model shipped with the service has many similarities to the Dynamics 365 applications (CRM and operations). Even the vocabulary used to describe the model is similar to Dynamics 365 (entities, attributes, lookups, picklists) as well as the current limitations (1:N relationships are allowed, but at the time of writing, you cannot create 1:1 relationships).

In this recipe, we will extend the default data model that comes with the Common Data Services to include a feedback entity. The entity will hold one text field for the description, one picklist for the sentiment, and one lookup to the contact entity. This recipe is the foundation for the next two recipes that will use PowerApps and Flow to move the data...