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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Extensions Cookbook

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Extensions Cookbook

Overview of this book

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a powerful tool. It has many unique features that empower organisations to bridge common business challenges and technology pitfalls that would usually hinder the adoption of a CRM solution. This book sets out to enable you to harness the power of Dynamics 365 and cater to your unique circumstances. We start this book with a no-code configuration chapter and explain the schema, fields, and forms modeling techniques. We then move on to server-side and client-side custom code extensions. Next, you will see how best to integrate Dynamics 365 in a DevOps pipeline to package and deploy your extensions to the various SDLC environments. This book also covers modern libraries and integration patterns that can be used with Dynamics 365 (Angular, 3 tiers, and many others). Finally, we end by highlighting some of the powerful extensions available. Throughout we explain a range of design patterns and techniques that can be used to enhance your code quality; the aim is that you will learn to write enterprise-scale quality code.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Title Page
About the Author
About the Reviewer
Customer Feedback

About the Author

Rami Mounla is a Solution Architect with over 15 years of experience in IT. He was introduced to Dynamics CRM 3.0 when it first came out and has built a career around the product since then. Based in Wellington, New Zealand, his focus is on enterprise-scale Dynamics CRM solutions targeted at the public sector and large multinational corporations. Throughout his career, he has worked on some of the largest CRM implementations in New Zealand, both on-premise and in the cloud.

Rami is active in the Dynamics community, a leader of the Wellington Dynamics User Group, a frequent speaker at Microsoft Ignite New Zealand, and a supporter of open source Dynamics 365 extensions. His contributions over the last few years gained him the Microsoft Business Solutions MVP status in 2015, a title that reflects his ambitions.

After being frustrated with frequently reviewing poor-quality CRM implementations, Rami decided to write about best practices and promote quality CRM implementations. The topics and ideas inspired this book on extending Dynamics 365.




I would like to dedicate this book to my patient wife, Amanda, who supported me throughout the journey, despite having a 2-year-old and a newborn to look after. You rock!To my two boys, Alexander and Riaan, who make every day worth it.I would also like to thank my Mum and Pup without whom none of this would be possible.A special mention to my brother Edd who pushed me really hard over the years to strive for excellence and encouraged me to write this book.Thank you Aung Khaing for answering the tough questions and for the long conversations when I was tossing between ideas. Thank you Abhay Mishra and Mingyao Lin for the good times and for the coffees when I needed them the most.Nicolae Tarla, thank you for all the constructive feedback and for sharing your years of experience in Dynamics and in book writing.Scott Durow and the MVP family, thank you for your enthusiasm and for your ever-so-inspiring community work that encouraged me to become an MVP and to keep contributing.Last but not least, thank you to the team at Packt for turning my dream into reality.