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Exploring Experience Design

By : Ezra Schwartz
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Exploring Experience Design

By: Ezra Schwartz

Overview of this book

We live in an experience economy in which interaction with products is valued more than owning them. Products are expected to engage and delight in order to form the emotional bonds that forge long-term customer loyalty: Products need to anticipate our needs and perform tasks for us: refrigerators order food, homes monitor energy, and cars drive autonomously; they track our vitals, sleep, location, finances, interactions, and content use; recognize our biometric signatures, chat with us, understand and motivate us. Beautiful and easy to use, products have to be fully customizable to match our personal preferences. Accomplishing these feats is easier said than done, but a solution has emerged in the form of Experience design (XD), the unifying approach to fusing business, technology and design around a user-centered philosophy. This book explores key dimensions of XD: Close collaboration among interdisciplinary teams, rapid iteration and ongoing user validation. We cover the processes, methodologies, tools, techniques and best-practices practitioners use throughout the entire product development life-cycle, as ideas are transformed to into positive experiences which lead to perpetual customer engagement and brand loyalty.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Title Page
About the Author
About the Reviewers
Customer Feedback

Documenting test responses

A typical testing session typically lasts an hour to 90 minutes. The longer the session, the higher the risk that both tester and facilitator will get fatigued, resulting in diminished feedback to important topics at the end of the session.

During the session, the participant is asked to perform certain tasks, and the facilitator observes. As mentioned before, the participant continuously shares their thoughts as they go through the scenario--what they see, what they think they should do, why they are choosing a particular path, and so on. Many tasks are typically a compound of multiple sub-tasks that need to be performed in a certain order, such as in a checkout in an online shopping experience.

With each of the tasks and sub-tasks, the participant might have one of several possible experiences, and their success in completing the task, as well as their experience, are recorded. The common results for task completion are:

  • Complete success: The user was able to complete...