Suppose you are in the market for a new winter coat. You do the research and end up with a great choice from a fashionable imported brand. The coat you purchased is very light and very warm, you love the material and the color, it fits you well. Additionally, the price was very reasonable, and significantly cheaper compared to coats by other brands with similar features. Everyone compliments you on your purchase, which was hassle-free in a well-designed store owned by the brand on the most expensive shopping street in the city. The entire purchase experience has been positive. You feel very good about the brand and congratulate yourself on a good choice.
And then, about a month into winter, the front zipper breaks and you end up walking home in brutal cold, tightening the coat around your chest with your gloveless hand.
As you walk home, you recall that when you were at the store, you thought that the zipper was flimsy. But at the time, you convinced yourself that, surely, the zipper...