How to create a user story
The first step in story mapping is creating the user story cards, used to facilitate the conversation. They are atomic functionality pieces, which provide value to the user. It makes sense to use the same template for all user story cards within the same project so that you can easily compare them.
User story templates
In this section, I will show you the most common formats, but you are welcome to use any format to create your user stories.
The Three Rs or the Connextra format
The most common format for user story templates is what you have already seen in the previous chapter. It's called the Three Rs or the Connextra format (a team at Connextra developed this template).
As a _____ [role -> persona], I want _____ [requirement -> output], so _____ [reason -> outcome]. The third R (reason) part of this template is optional.
The grocery surplus e-commerce site example's first iteration: As a shopper, I want to see the contents of my shopping cart anytime...