Creating user story maps digitally
You can use any software to create a map digitally, even Microsoft Word as we have seen in the previous chapter. You should pick the software you are most familiar with. In this chapter, we will use an online tool, StoriesOnBoard, available as a web app at You can try the tool for free in the first 30 days. This tool is great for creating and discussing user stories with remote team members because it has real-time collaboration capabilities. It was a new tool at the time of writing this book, released on May 30, 2016; it is very promising, though.
Creating a new board
Similar to real life, you need a wall for your sticky notes. While in the real world building a wall inside the office might be problematic, digitally it's just a few clicks. First, you need to register to be able to use the product, but I assume that you will have no difficulties with that. After registering, you will start with a view where you can create a new...