The customer support chatbot
Similar to all chapters of this book, we will solve a real-world problem with user experience mapping. This chapter's problem is getting detailed customer support, as fast as possible.
Imagine getting instant help from the most qualified, and always cheerful, support personnel. No more waiting in support queues or getting short, hard-to-understand replies. This is possible with an incredible AI and a stunning wireflow. I have no idea how to create this artificial intelligence, but I will try to show you how to create a wireflow for a customer support chatbot. Don't worry about how this will work behind the scenes. Just think about artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural nets, and every other hot buzzword that comes into your mind. Obviously, this decreases the size of human customer support teams, saving money for our customers, and the companies who want to provide support.
The opportunity is our users want to get helpful, detailed support for their...