Samsung's 2017 redesign
In the previous chapters, we solved problems by creating something new from scratch. However, now we will do something completely different--we will test an existing site. Then, in the next chapter, we will create a map based on the results, and see how we can action the map, resulting in a better site, or even a new product.
Samsung's UK website from January 2017 is the base for our redesign project. If you visit while reading this book, the site might look different:
The opportunity is that Samsung's potential customers want an easy way to get a new smartphone. They want to learn more about Samsung's products and want a fast and secure way to buy them. If we understand the users, Samsung can increase the conversion rate of the website, creating a more straightforward path for the users. This can result in more sales.
Don't get me wrong, is not a bad site, far from it. It is created and maintained by smart and dedicated people...