Tagging - the science of active watching
We could just watch the videos passively, as we do with a Game of Thrones episode. We would surely have fun and learn from it. Chances are, we will not see any dragons or dire wolves in user testing videos. Instead, we might see much scarier things, such as conversion blockers. They are UX issues slaughtering the well-crafted user experience, leading to abandonment; in other words, they are so bad that the users will leave our site.
An even better way to watch user testing videos is called tagging in the UX research lingo.
Tagging is a form of insight identification for user testing videos. As a result, short video snippets are created, with a textual description and a quick scaling, based on the issue severity model. Those tags create an independent multi-voice view on the whole experience. They help us to jump straight to the issues and easily spot trends across a set of tests.
Tagging provides a hidden ace up my sleeve. The video short snippets...