In the preceding chapter, I promised you the one and only silver bullet to product design. By now, I'm sure that it's obvious: base your solutions on real user insights.
Solution design relies heavily on solution maps. Solution mapping starts with the pain points coming from our users and the business. With creative thinking, teamwork and communication, we can create amazing solutions. By focusing on the root issue, we change the product or even the whole world. When we meet blockers or obstacles, we overcome them with swift action.
This is a process of innovation and simplification, leading to better new products for the same old users. This concludes the easy part of this book. Changing the world is easy, compared to changing the mind. In the next chapter, we will create a mental model map, and in Chapter 8, Behavioural Change Map - The Action Plan of Persuasion we will change behaviors. Are you ready to map the depths of the human mind?