Chapter 8. Behavioral Change Map - The Action Plan of Persuasion
In this chapter, we'll improve people's lives by shifting their behavior to what is more beneficial for them. You will learn about a framework that will increase your sales while making your customers happier. To do this, we will do the following things:
- Introduce behavioral change
- Study the Amazon miracle to provide us with examples for this chapter
- See whether a behavioral change is possible, and if yes, how?
- Understand credibility and its impact on behavioral change
- Explore the cue-routine-reward framework
- Talk about automating repetition
- Investigate the two different modes our mind uses to process information
- Use, my method, the LEVER framework to change user behaviors
- Draw a behavioral change map, based on the LEVER framework
- Use the map for the benefit of our users
A behavioral change map is a visual representation of a path to change a user group's behavior. It should be simple and impactful. Behavior change maps should be...