Drawing the behavioral change map
A behavioral change map is a visual representation of what we do to improve the users' behaviors. If you want to base your behavioral change projects on my LEVER framework, I would suggest a map similar to this one, showing the Amazon miracle:
There can be many external cues and many rewards. To make sure that they don't add clutter to the map, I just added empty squares. I have used a dashed line to separate the elements of LEVER, to show that they can often overlap. Frequently bought together is also a form of elevation, not just validation. All reversibility options benefit from being easy to use. In fact, an easy cancellation method like Amazon's will make the reversibility aspect even better. We don't just want to undo our mistakes, we want that to be easy.
Drawing this map should be easy based on the mapping techniques we discussed in the preceding chapter. What's more important is to understand how LEVER works and how to use the map.