Chapter 9. The 4D UX Map - Putting It All Together
I have always considered communicating user experience as the hardest part of my job. User research is fascinating, and its result can improve a solution or even create a new one if there is a drive for change. For that, you need to convince stakeholders--this is what the industry usually calls getting buy-in.
In the previous chapters, we have seen many different map types, but all of those are just aspects of the user experience as a whole. To get buy-in for innovation, I needed a map type that shows user experience in one big picture.
I wanted to create something I can show to any stakeholder, looks great, and can be printed on paper, a map that can be taped to the wall of an office or included in a presentation. This is how the 4D UX Map was born. In June 2014, I published the 4D UX Map for the first time in my blog, the Kaizen-UX available at
This chapter is an extended, enriched, and updated...