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RabbitMQ Essentials. - Second Edition

By : Lovisa Johansson, David Dossot
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RabbitMQ Essentials. - Second Edition

By: Lovisa Johansson, David Dossot

Overview of this book

RabbitMQ is an open source message queuing software that acts as a message broker using the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). This book will help you to get to grips with RabbitMQ to build your own applications with a message queue architecture. You’ll learn from the experts from CloudAMQP as they share what they've learned while managing the largest fleet of RabbitMQ clusters in the world. Following the case study of Complete Car, you’ll discover how you can use RabbitMQ to provide exceptional customer service and user experience, and see how a message queue architecture makes it easy to upgrade the app and add features as the company grows. From implementing simple synchronous operations through to advanced message routing and tracking, you’ll explore how RabbitMQ streamlines scalable operations for fast distribution. This book will help you understand the advantages of message queue architecture, including application scalability, resource efficiency, and user reliability. Finally, you’ll learn best practices for working with RabbitMQ and be able to use this book as a reference guide for your future app development projects. By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to use message queuing software to streamline the development of your distributed and scalable applications.
Table of Contents (8 chapters)

Making delivery mandatory

So far, the back office team at CC has been relying only on emails to interact with individual drivers. CC recently added the RabbitMQ-powered system discussed in Chapter 3, Sending Messages to Multiple Taxi Drivers, allowing the back office to send information messages to all drivers. They now want to explore the possibility of sending messages to individual drivers from the back office service. Furthermore, if possible, CC would like drivers who do not have an inbox queue set up on RabbitMQ to get the message emailed to them immediately.

In terms of messaging architecture, this is a known territory—the exact same model was put in place in Chapter 2, Creating a Taxi Application, for client-to-taxi messages, as illustrated in the following diagram:

Fig 4.6: The back office team will use the taxi direct exchange for direct messages to drivers

A direct exchange is used. The only difference is that, unlike the main application, the back office will not...