Execution strategy for structured testing with TMap
With the evolution of the software industry and their standards, the emphasis is for processes to be driven by business objectives, rather than processes being drivers of business objectives. This led to the creation of the following two ways of assessing the test process:
- Prescriptive: In this approach, the model provides a framework along with the key performance indicators (KPIs) and questions to ask for each test unit. This helps you identify the root causes of inefficiencies. It also provides the order in which each of these inefficiencies should be tackled to improve the process.
- Non-prescriptive: In this approach, the model provides a framework along with the KPIs and questions to ask for each test unit; it doesn’t dictate the order to attack these issues. Instead, the organization needs to evaluate the business value derived from solving each problem, and first tackle the problems that offer the highest returns.
An example of the prescriptive...