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Marketing Automation with Mailchimp

By : Margarita J. Caraballo
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Marketing Automation with Mailchimp

By: Margarita J. Caraballo

Overview of this book

Are you looking for an all-in-one comprehensive guide to implementing Mailchimp channels and automation for your business? Then Marketing Automation with Mailchimp can be your go-to guide. You’ll start by learning common terms used in the Mailchimp environment, as well as about account setup and audience management for businesses. After that, you’ll find out how to set up channels, where you’ll actively interact with your contacts and begin to add new ones. Additionally, you’ll gain an understanding of how to set up a consistent marketing presence in the form of emails and websites and the benefits of determining a brand identity. You’ll also explore advanced Mailchimp features to optimize platform utilization using analytics, reporting, A/B and multivariate testing, the customer journey builder, and the Mailchimp e-commerce store. Toward the end, you’ll discover some important shopping, payment, and CRM integrations that can be connected to your Mailchimp platform for custom business needs. With this book, you’ll gain insights into real-world use cases to implement a marketing strategy to extend your existing work. By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to implement Mailchimp marketing automation seamlessly into your business to grow your customer base and revenue.
Table of Contents (25 chapters)
Part 1:Introduction to Mailchimp
Part 2:Getting Set Up
Part 3:Basic Channels
Part 4:Refine and Automate
Part 5:Get Smarter and Connect

Understanding and using online marketing with Mailchimp

Online marketing specifically refers to platforms that empower you as the end user to use multiple, digital channels to reach an audience. Most commonly, since the 21st century, the drivers that foster the prevalence of online marketing instead of other traditional marketing channels are the internet, big data, and smartphones. Additionally, if we consider that market trends overwhelmingly point to each new generation leveraging more digital screens than the one before it, we can see that creating a holistic, data-informed marketing strategy becomes more and more critical.

Trend predictions from industry leaders such as Forbes, for example, point specifically to the need to think about your marketing strategy as omnichannel or multi-channel instead of as completely distinct efforts from one another. Businesses should consider all-in-one platforms as the predicted trend in terms of leveraging data about their contacts to build an overall journey. This empowers them to guide their audiences through all of their marketing content instead of maintaining them nested to specific channels.

As you begin your journey into considering different platforms, the key pieces of information to think about as you assess various marketing platforms is to think about categorizing their available channels into one of three buckets for you and your needs:

  • Non-negotiable: These are the channels that are either already critical to your marketing or are biggies, such as emails
  • Known growth: These are the channels that you know would be helpful but that you haven’t attempted to work into your marketing efforts
  • Curious: These are the channels you’re either unfamiliar with, or you haven’t previously considered how they would fit into a marketing effort for your needs

In Figure 1.1, we can see these hierarchies illustrated as a hierarchy from bottom to top; highest priority to lowest:

Figure 1.1 – Hierarchy of marketing channel needs

Figure 1.1 – Hierarchy of marketing channel needs

The reason I think of these needs as a hierarchy or categorization when considering platforms is that if you are starting with growth in mind, thinking of at least the two first categories when choosing a platform means that you have a longer runway for the growth of your marketing efforts. This is, of course, where multi-channel marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, instead of single-channel marketing applications, come to the forefront of your mind.

In the context of what we’ll be discussing, we’ll be thinking very specifically about Mailchimp-specific terms and then the most common digital marketing channels, which we’ll define a bit more in the following section.