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Microsoft 365 Word Tips and Tricks

By : Heather Ackmann, Bill Kulterman
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Microsoft 365 Word Tips and Tricks

By: Heather Ackmann, Bill Kulterman

Overview of this book

If you’re proud of yourself for finally learning how to use keyboard shortcuts and the search function, but still skip a beat when asked to generate a table of contents, then this book is for you. Written by two experts who’ve been teaching the world about Word for decades, Microsoft 365 Word Tips and Tricks is a powerhouse of demystifying advice that will take you from Word user to Word master. This book takes you on a step-by-step journey through Word essentials with plenty of practical examples. With it, you'll explore different versions of Microsoft Word, its full functionality, and understand how these versions impact collaboration with others. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of working with the legendary text editor, including a whole chapter dedicated to concentrating better with the help of Word. Expert advice will fill your knowledge gaps and teach you how to work more productively and efficiently with text, images, styles, and even macros. By the end of this book, you will be able to make better documents faster and troubleshoot any Word-related problem that comes your way. And because of its clear and cohesive structure, you can easily come back to refresh your knowledge whenever you need it.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Section 1: Working More Efficiently, Together or Alone with Word
Section 2: Making Sense of Formatting Short and Long Documents
Section 3: Help! Word Is Being Strange! Troubleshooting Common Problems

Accessing and sharing Word documents, OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams

Once you have saved a document to OneDrive, it will be available anywhere, at any time, on any device, so long as you have a connection to the internet. You can log in to your Microsoft 365 account, or a personal Microsoft account, and access your OneDrive using any of the four most popular browsers; that is, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

On a desktop or laptop, you can use the OneDrive Sync app to sync some or all of your OneDrive folders to your computer. The Sync app is available for both PC and Mac. Microsoft also has OneDrive mobile apps for both Android and iOS.

Wherever you are, and no matter what device you use, any edits made to a Word document saved in OneDrive will be saved across all your devices. If you are not connected to the internet, the edits will be saved locally and once you are connected, your edits will be synced automatically. This is also true of any shared documents in OneDrive...