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Mastering PyTorch - Second Edition

By : Ashish Ranjan Jha
4 (1)
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Mastering PyTorch - Second Edition

4 (1)
By: Ashish Ranjan Jha

Overview of this book

PyTorch is making it easier than ever before for anyone to build deep learning applications. This PyTorch deep learning book will help you uncover expert techniques to get the most out of your data and build complex neural network models. You’ll build convolutional neural networks for image classification and recurrent neural networks and transformers for sentiment analysis. As you advance, you'll apply deep learning across different domains, such as music, text, and image generation, using generative models, including diffusion models. You'll not only build and train your own deep reinforcement learning models in PyTorch but also learn to optimize model training using multiple CPUs, GPUs, and mixed-precision training. You’ll deploy PyTorch models to production, including mobile devices. Finally, you’ll discover the PyTorch ecosystem and its rich set of libraries. These libraries will add another set of tools to your deep learning toolbelt, teaching you how to use fastai to prototype models and PyTorch Lightning to train models. You’ll discover libraries for AutoML and explainable AI (XAI), create recommendation systems, and build language and vision transformers with Hugging Face. By the end of this book, you'll be able to perform complex deep learning tasks using PyTorch to build smart artificial intelligence models.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)


In this chapter, we built a recommendation system from scratch using PyTorch. We first learned how to use deep learning to power a recommendation system. We then explored and analyzed the MovieLens dataset. We then defined an EmbeddingNet model using PyTorch and trained and evaluated it on the MovieLens dataset.

Finally, we used the trained EmbeddingNet model to create a movie recommendation system. In the next and final chapter of this book, we will learn more about the Hugging Face ecosystem and how PyTorch users can benefit from different Hugging Face products, components, and libraries.