Premium ingredients – an in-depth look at the media library
Our media library, as mentioned previously, is where we can store and select clips, audio, titles (text), transitions, effects, elements, and split-screen functionalities. The best thing about these menus is that they are very organized and it’s very easy to find what you’re looking for with ease:
Figure 2.10: The Filmora 11 resource libraries
The Media library
We will now look further into these resource libraries, starting with Media.
Upon clicking on Media, we will see a few folders called Project Media, Shared Media, Sample Colors, Sample Video, and Sample Green Screen. On the left- and the right-hand side, we will see a place where we can add and view resources:
Figure 2.11: Media library folders in the Media panel
We will now find out what all these folders are.
Project Media
Here is where we can find all our imported media,...