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The Music Producer's Creative Guide to Ableton Live 11

By : Anna Lakatos
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The Music Producer's Creative Guide to Ableton Live 11

By: Anna Lakatos

Overview of this book

The Music Producer's Guide to Ableton Live will help you sharpen your production skills and gain a deeper understanding of the Live workflow. If you are a music maker working with other digital audios workstations (DAWs) or experienced in Ableton Live, perhaps earlier versions, you’ll be able to put your newfound knowledge to use right away with this book. You’ll start with some basic features and workflows that are more suitable for producers from another DAW looking to transfer their skills to Ableton Live 11.2. As you explore the Live concept, you’ll learn to create expressive music using Groove and MIDI effects and demystify Live 11’s new workflow improvements, such as Note Chance and Velocity Randomization. The book then introduces the Scale Mode, MIDI Transform tools, and other key features that can make composition and coming up with melodic elements easier than ever before. It will also guide you in implementing Live 11's new and updated effects into your current workflow. By the end of this Ableton Live book, you’ll be able to implement advanced production and workflow techniques and amplify live performance capabilities with what the Live 11 workflow has to offer.
Table of Contents (23 chapters)
Part 1: The Live Concept and Workflow
Part 2: Creative Music Production Techniques with Ableton Live 11
Part 3: Deep Dive into Ableton Live

Locators and Info Text

Locators in Live are not just useful to help you navigate your arrangement better, but they are also equipped with launch buttons that respond to the Global Quantization settings. This can be super useful to test out how your arrangement would sound if you changed the order of some of your sections by having the sections launched by the locator’s launch button on time/in sync with your song tempo, thanks to the Global Quantization settings.

Let’s have a look at how to set them up:

  1. The locators will appear in the Scrub Area.
Figure 10.17 – Locators in the Scrub Area

Figure 10.17 – Locators in the Scrub Area

  1. To set one up, you can Ctrl + click (right-click on Windows) where you’d like to set the locator in the Scrub Area and choose Add Locator (Figure 10.18).
  2. Alternatively, you can use the Set button. This can also work during playback.
Figure 10.18 – Setting up locators

Figure 10.18 – Setting up locators

  1. In order...