SQL Query activities
Now, you may well be thinking, "Hey, SQL is not ETL, it's a query language … that is structured." Well, you would be 100% correct and would also have awkwardly explained what the acronym SQL stands for (Structured Query Language). However, it seems odd to start things off after all the ETL talk with something that is not really directly ETL, right? Maybe a little, but we promise that there is a method to our madness here.
With the background you have in basic ETL, we can now jump right into the possibilities and power of SQL Query activities, which are, in our opinion, the most powerful and capable data manipulation option in all of Marketing Cloud. It can be a love/hate relationship, but there is no denying the power these activities bring to you as the end user.
So, why do we want to jump in right away? Why not structure it with all the ETL topics first and then end on SQL? Well, in all honesty, it's because we are excited and...