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Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online Cookbook

By : Gaurav Mahajan, Sudeep Ghatak
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Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online Cookbook

By: Gaurav Mahajan, Sudeep Ghatak

Overview of this book

Microsoft Office 365 provides tools for managing organizational tasks like content management, communication, report creation, and business automation processes. With this book, you'll get to grips with popular apps from Microsoft, enabling workspace collaboration and productivity using Microsoft SharePoint Online, Teams, and the Power Platform. In addition to guiding you through the implementation of Microsoft 365 apps, this practical guide helps you to learn from a Microsoft consultant's extensive experience of working with the Microsoft business suite. This cookbook covers recipes for implementing SharePoint Online for various content management tasks. You'll learn how to create sites for your organization and enhance collaboration across the business and then see how you can boost productivity with apps such as Microsoft Teams, Power Platform, Planner, Delve, and M365 Groups. You'll find out how to use the Power Platform to make the most of Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, and Power Virtual Agents. Finally, the book focuses on the SharePoint framework, which helps you to build custom Teams and SharePoint solutions. By the end of the book, you will be ready to use Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online to enhance business productivity using a broad set of tools.
Table of Contents (22 chapters)

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