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Agile Technical Practices Distilled

By : Pedro M. Santos, Marco Consolaro, Alessandro Di Gioia
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Agile Technical Practices Distilled

By: Pedro M. Santos, Marco Consolaro, Alessandro Di Gioia

Overview of this book

The number of popular technical practices has grown exponentially in the last few years. Learning the common fundamental software development practices can help you become a better programmer. This book uses the term Agile as a wide umbrella and covers Agile principles and practices, as well as most methodologies associated with it. You’ll begin by discovering how driver-navigator, chess clock, and other techniques used in the pair programming approach introduce discipline while writing code. You’ll then learn to safely change the design of your code using refactoring. While learning these techniques, you’ll also explore various best practices to write efficient tests. The concluding chapters of the book delve deep into the SOLID principles - the five design principles that you can use to make your software more understandable, flexible and maintainable. By the end of the book, you will have discovered new ideas for improving your software design skills, the relationship within your team, and the way your business works.
Table of Contents (31 chapters)
Free Chapter
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Chapter 21
License: CyberDojo

Bugs and Communication

From a product point of view, Philip Crosby, a widely acclaimed guru of Quality Management, defined quality as 'conformance to requirements'. As simple and blunt as that. Hence, if we think of defects as things that diverge from requirements, we can deliver the best possible value to the business when we strive to eliminate any kind of bugs from our code base.


Bob Marshall, Dialogue:

Taiichi Ohno, one of the main personalities behind the Toyota Production System, believed that if it's not possible to reduce the number of defects, then there is a lack of ability, and if it's not possible to get close to zero defects, then there is a lack of perseverance.

So with this in mind, let's think more deeply about the nature of bugs in relation to requirements, and see if we can find something to help in acquiring ability. From this point of view, on a very high level...