Implementing New Workflow and Load Workflow events
In this task, we will give our workflow designer the ability to create new workflows and load workflow from XAML files.
Getting ready
Before we begin this task, we must complete the previous task: Implementing Toolbox, Workflow Designer, and Property Inspector views.
How to do it...
Open the workflow designer project:
Open the workflow designer project we created in the previous task.
Create a new empty workflow as an empty workflow template:
Click on the Show All Files button and navigate to the project's
folder.Create a new XAML file named
. Fill the file with the following XAML code:<Activity mc:Ignorable="sap" x:Class="WFTemplate" sap:VirtualizedContainerService.HintSize="240,240" mva:VisualBasic.Settings="Assembly references and imported namespaces for internal implementation" xmlns="" ...