The future of reporting for Dynamics GP
Before we bring this book to a close, let's pause and consider the future of reporting for Dynamics GP. In our very first chapter, we covered three major trends in reporting:
Increased Flexibility
Reporting Through All Levels of an Organization
Increased Access to the Report Generation Process
We expect (and hope) that future reporting in Dynamics GP will be geared towards these trends. GP continues to enable users to work smarter, and in a more productive fashion. New releases of GP bring with them enhancements to reporting, and GP users from top-to-bottom continue to expect increasing flexibility and availability of reports that they can generate themselves. Users must also find ways to cope with increasing amounts of data in their ERP systems, and we expect reporting tools that can easily handle large and varied data sets (like SQL Server Reporting Services and Analysis Cubes for Excel) will continue to grow in relevance and importance in the Dynamics...