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R Bioinformatics Cookbook

By : Dan MacLean
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R Bioinformatics Cookbook

By: Dan MacLean

Overview of this book

Handling biological data effectively requires an in-depth knowledge of machine learning techniques and computational skills, along with an understanding of how to use tools such as edgeR and DESeq. With the R Bioinformatics Cookbook, you’ll explore all this and more, tackling common and not-so-common challenges in the bioinformatics domain using real-world examples. This book will use a recipe-based approach to show you how to perform practical research and analysis in computational biology with R. You will learn how to effectively analyze your data with the latest tools in Bioconductor, ggplot, and tidyverse. The book will guide you through the essential tools in Bioconductor to help you understand and carry out protocols in RNAseq, phylogenetics, genomics, and sequence analysis. As you progress, you will get up to speed with how machine learning techniques can be used in the bioinformatics domain. You will gradually develop key computational skills such as creating reusable workflows in R Markdown and packages for code reuse. By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a solid understanding of the most important and widely used techniques in bioinformatic analysis and the tools you need to work with real biological data.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

Estimating differential expression with edgeR

edgeR is a widely used and powerful package that implements negative binomial models suitable for sparse count data such as RNAseq data in a general linear model framework, which are powerful for describing and understanding count relationships and exact tests for multi-group experiments. It uses a weighted style normalization called TMM, which is the weighted mean of log ratio between sample and control, after removal of genes with high counts and outlying log ratios. The TMM value should be close to one, but can be used as a correction factor to be applied to overall library sizes

In this recipe, we'll look at some options from preparing read counts for annotated regions in some object to identifying the differentially expressed features in a genome. Usually, there is an upstream step requiring us to take high-throughput sequence reads, align them to a reference and produce files describing those alignments, such as .bam files. With those files prepared, we'd fire up R and start to analyze. So that we can concentrate on the differential expression analysis part of the process, we'll use a prepared dataset for which all of the data is ready. Chapter 8, Working with Databases and Remote Data Sources, shows you how to go from raw data to this stage if you're looking for how to do that step.

As there are many different tools and methods for getting those alignments of reads, we will look at starting the process with two common input object types. We'll use a count table, like that we would have if we were loading from a text file and we'll use an ExpressionSet (eset) object, which is an object type common in Bioconductor.

Our prepared dataset will be the modencodefly data from the NHGRI encyclopedia of DNA elements project for the model organism, Drosophila melanogaster. You can read about this project at The dataset contains 147 different samples for D. melanogaster, a fruit fly with an approximately 110 Mbp genome, annotated with about 15,000 gene features.

Getting ready

The data is provided as both a count matrix and an ExpressionSet object and you can see the Appendix at the end of this book for further information on these object types. The data is in this book's code and data repository at under datasets/ch1/modencodefly_eset.RData, datasets/ch1/modencodefly_count_table.txt, and datasets/ch1/modencodelfy_phenodata.txt . We'll also use the edgeR (from Bioconductor), readr, and magrittr libraries.

How to do it...

We will see two ways of estimating differential expressions with edgeR.

Using edgeR from a count table

For estimating differential expressions with edgeR from a count table (for example, in a text file), we will use the following steps:

  1. Load the count data:
count_dataframe <- readr::read_tsv(file.path(getwd(), "datasets", "ch1", "modencodefly_count_table.txt" ))
genes <- count_dataframe[['gene']]
count_dataframe[['gene']] <- NULL
count_matrix <- as.matrix(count_dataframe)
rownames(count_matrix) <- genes
pheno_data <- readr::read_table2(file.path(getwd(), "datasets", "ch1", "modencodefly_phenodata.txt"))
  1. Specify experiments of interest:
experiments_of_interest <- c("L1Larvae", "L2Larvae")
columns_of_interest <- which( pheno_data[['stage']] %in% experiments_of_interest )
  1. Form the grouping factor:
grouping <- pheno_data[['stage']][columns_of_interest] %>%
  1. Form the subset of count data:
counts_of_interest <-  count_matrix[,columns_of_interest]
  1. Create the DGE object:
count_dge <- edgeR::DGEList(counts = counts_of_interest, group = grouping)
  1. Perform differential expression analysis:
design <- model.matrix(~ grouping)
eset_dge <- edgeR::estimateDisp(eset_dge, design)
fit <- edgeR::glmQLFit(eset_dge, design)
result <- edgeR::glmQLFTest(fit, coef=2)

Using edgeR from an ExpressionSet object

Estimating using edgeR from our prepared eset object can be done using the following steps:

  1. Load the eset data:
load(file.path(getwd(), "datasets/ch1/modencodefly_eset.RData"))
  1. Specify experiments of interest:
experiments_of_interest <- c("L1Larvae", "L2Larvae")
columns_of_interest <- which( phenoData(modencodefly.eset)[['stage']] %in% experiments_of_interest )
  1. Form the grouping factor:
grouping <- droplevels(phenoData(modencodefly.eset)[['stage']][columns_of_interest] )
  1. Form the subset of count data:
counts_of_interest <- exprs(modencodefly.eset)[, columns_of_interest]
  1. Create the DGE object:
eset_dge <- edgeR::DGEList(
counts = counts_of_interest,
group = grouping
  1. Perform differential expression analysis:
design <- model.matrix(~ grouping)
eset_dge <- edgeR::estimateDisp(eset_dge, design)

fit <- edgeR::glmQLFit(eset_dge, design)
result <- edgeR::glmQLFTest(fit, coef=2)

How it works...

We saw two ways of estimating differential expression with edgeR. In the first half of this recipe, we used edgeR starting with our data in a text file.

Using edgeR from a count table

In step 1, we use the read_tsv() function in the readr package to load the tab delimited text file of counts into a dataframe called count_dataframe. Then, from that, we extract the 'gene' column to a new variable, genes, and erase it from count_dataframe, by assigning NULL. This is all done so we can easily convert into the count_matrix matrix with the base as.matrix() function and add the gene information back as rownames. Finally, we load the phenotype data we'll need from file using the readr read_table2() function.

Step 2 is concerned with working out which columns in count_matrix we want to use. We define a variable, experiments_of_interest, which holds the column names we want and then use the %in% operator and which() functions to create a binary vector that matches the number of columns. If, say, the third column of the columns_of_interest vector is TRUE it indicates the name was in the experiments_of interest variable.

Step 3 begins with loading the magrittr package to get the %>% operator, which will allow piping. We then use R indexing with the binary columns_of_interest factor to select the names of columns we want and send it to the forcats as_factor() function to get a factor object for our grouping variable. Sample grouping information is basically a factor that tells us which samples are replications of the same thing and it's important for the experimental design description. We need to create a grouping vector, each index of which refers to a column in the counts table. So, in the following example, the first three columns in the data would be replicates of one sample, the second three columns in the counts table would be replicates of a different replicate, and so on. We can use any symbols in the grouping vector to represent the groups. The more complicated the grouping vector, the more complicated the experiment design can be. In the recipe here, we'll use a simple test/control design:

numeric_groups <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2)
letter_groups <- c("A","A","A", "B","B","B")

A simple vector like this will do, but you can also use a factor object. The factor is R's categorical data type and is implemented as a vector of integers that have associated name labels, called levels. When a factor is displayed, the name labels are taken instead of the integers. The factor object has a memory of sorts, and even when a subset of levels is used, all of the levels that could have been used are retained so that when, for example, the levels are used as categories, empty levels can still be displayed.

In Step 4, we use indexing to extract the columns of data we want to actually analyze.

By Step 5, our preparatory work is done and we can build the DGEList object we need to do differential analysis. To start, we load the edgeR library and use the DGEList() function on counts_of_interest and our grouping object.

In Step 6, with DGEList, we can go through the edgeR process. First, we create the experimental design descriptor design object with the base model.matrix() function. A model design is required to tell the functions how to compare samples; this is a common thing in R and so has a base function. We use the grouping variable we created. We must estimate the dispersions of each gene with the estimateDisp() function, then we can use that measure of variability in tests. Finally, a generalized linear model is fit and the quasi-likelihood F-test is applied with the two uses of glmQLFTest(), first with the dispersal estimates, eset_dge, then with the resulting fit object.

We can use the topTags() function to see the details of differentially expressed genes. We get the following output:

 ## Coefficient: groupingL2Larvae
## logFC logCPM F PValue FDR
## FBgn0027527 6.318665 11.14876 42854.72 1.132951e-41 1.684584e-37
## [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 9 rows ]

The columns show the gene name, the logFC value of the gene, the F value, the P value and the False Detection Rate (FDR). Usually, the column we want to make statistical conclusions from is FDR.

Using edgeR from an ExpressionSet object

In Step 1, we are looking at using edgeR from our prepared eset object. We first load that in, using the base R function as it is stored in a standard Rdata format file.

In Step 2, we prepare the vector of experiments of interest. This works as in step 2, except that we don't need to look at the pheno_data object we created from a file; instead, we can use the eset function, phenoData(), to extract the phenotype data straight from the eset object (note that this is one of the major differences between eset and the count matrix—see this book's Appendix for further information).

In Step 3, we create the grouping factor. Again, this can be done by using the phenoData() extraction function, but, as it returns a factor, we need to drop the levels that aren't selected using the droplevels() function (see the How it works... section in the Estimating differential expression with edgeR recipe, step 3 from the previous method, for a brief discussion of factor objects).

In step 4, we extract the data for the columns we are interested in into a standard matrix object. Again, we have a dedicated function, exprs(), for extracting the expression values from eset, and we can subset that using column indexing with column_names.

In Step 5, we use the DGEList() constructor function to build the data structure for edgeR and in step 6, carry out the analysis. This step is identical to Step 6 of the first method.